
478 Pins
This may contain: an image of a woman doing a back stretch with the words 4 moves your spine will love
4 Stretches for a Happy Spine
4 Stretches for a Happy Spine ⁉️Need some exercises to keep your spine feeling mobile? Check out these 4 exercises: 🔘 Scorpion Stretch 🔘 Sitting Chest Opener Cat Cow Pose 🔘 Wide Leg Learning Forward 🔘 Wide Stance Thoracic Rotation Tag someone who needs to see this ❤️ CH€CK 0UT B!O L!NK 🔗 for: 📖 Full-Body Mobility Program💥
This may contain: a woman in white pants and black shirt doing a yoga pose on a blue mat
A simple exercise you should do daily to improve low back and pelvic stiffness.
#pelvicpain #pelvicfloorexercises #pelvicpain
The 11 Best Kegel Exercises to Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor
The 11 Best Kegel Exercises to Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor | Fitness
#frozenshoulderstretch #frozenshoulder #painrelief #exerciseforshoulder #shoulder
Do these 3 exercises to get relief from pain and stiffness in Frozen shoulders..
#frozenshoulderstretch #frozenshoulder #painrelief #exerciseforshoulder #shoulder
This may contain: two people doing exercises on their stomachs in a gym with the text 9 minutes six pack and core
9 minutes six-packs and core
This may contain: the back view of a man doing an exercise with his legs spread out and muscles highlighted
4 Spine-Saving Stretches to Try Right Now!
⁉️Need some exercises to keep your spine feeling mobile? Check out these 4 exercises: Hip Internal Rotation Pullovers Hooklying Rotations Lumbar Rotation Pullovers Press Up to Child's Pose ✅ You can choose to perform all of these or, if any don't feel so good, just perform the ones that feel good/needed! (simple as that) 👍🏻 Also, you can use these to either just keep your spine feeling good OR to really push it to gain more mobility...or BOTH! CH€CK 0UT B!O L!NK 🔗 for: 📖 Full-Body Mobility Program💥
This may contain: an image of a man doing push ups with the text 5 exercises you need if you sit
5 Hip Mobility Exercises for Desk Workers to Relieve Pain
These exercises are crucial for improving flexibility, reducing stiffness, and preventing potential hip issues caused by prolonged sitting. Incorporating these simple yet powerful movements into your daily routine can help alleviate discomfort and enhance overall mobility. CH€CK 0UT B!O L!NK 🔗 for: 📖 Full-Body Mobility Program💥