Studio Dreams

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My cozy desk
So I’ve made some more changes to my setup due to the death of 1.5 of my plants. 🪴 I’ve had to repot and move my pothos from my desk to the dark corner because after doing some research, I realized that the plants I had in the corner needed indirect sunlight. Keeping them in full shade led to their death. #desksetup #desk #setup #desksetups #deskgram #deskinspo #deskspace #deskinspiration #cozydesk #cozydesksetup #cozyaesthetic #deskgoals #minimalsetup #minimalsetups #cozyathome #cozy #homeoffice #bedroom #japandistyle #japandi #aesthetic #minimal #standingdesk #setupinspo #setupinspiration #homedecor #interiordecor #plants #zen
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