Nordic Race

NOORD produces equipment for Nordic Race Nordic Race embodies the Nordic spirit through an adrenaline-fueled obstacle course. Integrating trail running with challenges like mud pits and climbing walls, it champions teamwork, resilience, and a bond with nature.
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Équipement pour les zones de loisirs en plein air
NOORD veille à ce que votre équipement d'exercice en plein air soit non seulement fonctionnel et durable, mais aussi visuellement attrayant.
Visualización 3D
Con una visualización en 3D, creamos una visión general de la mejor manera de colocar el equipo de fitness deseado, teniendo en cuenta la experiencia global de la zona y la experiencia de entrenamiento para el individuo.
Equipo OCR
Los productos pueden colocarse individualmente o en hilera y, con su aspecto estético, encajan en cualquier entorno.
منطقة الصالة الرياضية الخارجية
تم تصميم معداتنا الرياضية الخارجية الأنيقة والبسيطة والأنيقة التي نقدمها خصيصاً للاستخدام العام وبأقل قدر من الصيانة
Incline Wall Double
NOORD's outdoor Obstacle Course Race products are designed for all-weather obstacle courses. Our OCR equipment is suitable for both beginners and advanced athletes who want to exercise in the great outdoors. The products can be placed individually or in a course and with their aesthetic appearance will fit into any environment. OCR products are made of stainless steel and powder-coated steel, available in more than 180 different RAL colors.
Incline Wall Double
NOORD's outdoor Obstacle Course Race products are designed for all-weather obstacle courses. Our OCR equipment is suitable for both beginners and advanced athletes who want to exercise in the great outdoors. The products can be placed individually or in a course and with their aesthetic appearance will fit into any environment. OCR products are made of stainless steel and powder-coated steel, available in more than 180 different RAL colors.
Carreras de obstáculos para todo tipo de clima
Los productos para carreras de obstáculos al aire libre de NOORD están diseñados para carreras de obstáculos en cualquier condición meteorológica. Nuestro equipamiento OCR es adecuado tanto para principiantes como para atletas avanzados que quieran hacer ejercicio al aire libre.
Carreras de obstáculos
Nuestro collage de equipos de fitness para exteriores para inspirarse y obtener ideas. Si busca inspiración para su nuevo proyecto, ha llegado al tablero adecuado. Muchos arquitectos paisajistas eligen los equipos de fitness para exteriores de Noordoutdoorfitness para sus proyectos urbanos. Nos encantaría conocer tu nuevo proyecto, así que no dudes en seguir el tablón y en ponerte en contacto con nosotros si necesitas cualquier información.
Obstacle Course Racing – Rope Climb
NOORD's outdoor Obstacle Course Race products are designed for all-weather obstacle courses. Our OCR equipment is suitable for both beginners and advanced athletes who want to exercise in the great outdoors. The products can be placed individually or in a course and with their aesthetic appearance will fit into any environment. OCR products are made of stainless steel and powder-coated steel, available in more than 180 different RAL colors.
Incline Wall Double
NOORD's outdoor Obstacle Course Race products are designed for all-weather obstacle courses. Our OCR equipment is suitable for both beginners and advanced athletes who want to exercise in the great outdoors. The products can be placed individually or in a course and with their aesthetic appearance will fit into any environment. OCR products are made of stainless steel and powder-coated steel, available in more than 180 different RAL colors.
Hindernisläufe bei jedem Wetter
Die NOORD-Produkte für den Outdoor-Hindernislauf sind für Hindernisläufe bei allen Wetterbedingungen konzipiert. Unsere OCR-Ausrüstung eignet sich sowohl für Anfänger als auch für erfahrene Athleten, die im Freien trainieren möchten.
Surmonter les obstacles militaires
NOORD fabrique des équipements pour franchir les obstacles militaires La course d'obstacles militaire est un terrain d'entraînement exigeant qui pousse les soldats dans leurs derniers retranchements.
Incline Wall Double
NOORD's outdoor Obstacle Course Race products are designed for all-weather obstacle courses. Our OCR equipment is suitable for both beginners and advanced athletes who want to exercise in the great outdoors. The products can be placed individually or in a course and with their aesthetic appearance will fit into any environment. OCR products are made of stainless steel and powder-coated steel, available in more than 180 different RAL colors.
Course d'obstacles en plein air
Conçue et fabriquée au Danemark, cette surface de première qualité est durable, résistante aux intempéries et au vandalisme, facile à installer, nécessite peu d'entretien et est disponible en 180 magnifiques couleurs RAL stables aux UV.
Incline Wall Double
NOORD's outdoor Obstacle Course Race products are designed for all-weather obstacle courses. Our OCR equipment is suitable for both beginners and advanced athletes who want to exercise in the great outdoors. The products can be placed individually or in a course and with their aesthetic appearance will fit into any environment. OCR products are made of stainless steel and powder-coated steel, available in more than 180 different RAL colors.