43 Pins
Whenever I serve these at parties, they are gone before I have time to take my serving
Whenever I serve these at parties, they are gone before I have time to take my serving
Thats why they get so greasy | Thats why they get so greasy | By TentMusic | They have to be made with fresh potatoes. No more than twenty-four hours old. Otherwise, the chips will have black spots. After a brushing machine removes the dirt the potatoes travel along a water canal to the peeler. They tumble around and around against the peelers abrasive rollers until the skins come off. This machine can peel 12000 pounds of potatoes per hour. Next stop, a machine that separates the potatoes by size. The small ones fall below to be rinsed. The larger ones stay on top to be cut. Then they fall down to the rinser too. Next, the potatoes go through slicers. The slicers blades are adjustable. They can be set to different thicknesses or to different shapes. To slice ripple chips for example. The
10M views · 65K reactions | When I make potatoes like this everyone asks me for the recipe! | When I make potatoes like this everyone asks me for the recipe! | By I'm Diego | Facebook
When I make potatoes like this everyone asks me for the recipe! | When I make potatoes like this everyone asks me for the recipe! | By I'm DiegoFacebook
This is my granddad's fave recipe ever. The house smells amazing whenever I make it
This is my granddad's fave recipe ever. The house smells amazing whenever I make it