INFJ Man By Poetry By Onur©️

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If you can relate to this, you might be an INFJ. Because when an INFJ “nothings” you, you truly mean nothing to them. #poetrybyonur #onurtaskiranpoetry #infj #infjman #doorslam #relationships #friendships #poetry #quotes
This may contain: a man sitting on a dock with a cat looking at the moon in the sky
You Are Never Silent
For an INFJ, silence is loud. (Music by Sarper Duman) #poetrybyonur #onurtaskiranpoetry #infj #infjman #empath #infjlife #mbti #infjpersonalitytype #sarperduman
Our love is rare. We are the most warmest, most giving and deeply loving souls you could possibly wish for. We’d do anything for those we love. We give our rare love to those we deem worthy. But fuck us over in an unforgivable way and you don’t exist to us. We turn cold. That love dies the minute we are shown that it is taken for granted or you feel entitled to it. There’s no coming back from an INFJ’s heart that turns cold. When someone changes our view of them, we can no longer be ourselves, so it is already over. #poetrybyonur #onurtaskiranpoetry #infj #infjman #rare #takenforgranted #entitled #doorslam #selfcare
People Pleasers Can Piss Off
I don’t want fake love or people who choose to wear masks around me. I’m not interested in anything that isn’t authentic. Your inauthenticity can stay the f**k away. #poetrybyonur #onurtaskiranpoetry #authentic #genuine #masks #fakepeoplequotes #infj #infjman #fakelove
This may contain: a person standing on top of a hill next to a tree with birds flying in the sky
I Don’t Do Superficial
Music by Thriving Ivory. #poetrybyonur #onurtaskiranpoetry #infj #infjman #infjlife #deep #intellectual
Loyalty is not something you share with strangers. It’s something you share with someone in your circle. I don’t choose to be loyal. It’s part of my being. Once you are in my circle, loyalty is a given. It is indisputable. Friends may stab you in the back for their own benefit. That’s something I’m not capable of. #poetrybyonur #onurtaskiranpoetry #infj #infjman #infjlife #loyalty #friendships #relationships
Please visit my page and follow me for more romantic love and relationship poetry. #onurtaskiranpoetry #poetrybyonur #lifequotes #relationshipmatters #love #aesthetic #infj #confidence #arrogance #selfesteem #motivational
I Hear It All
Please visit my page and follow me for more romantic love and relationship poetry. #infj #infjman #infjpersonalitytype#mbti #onurtaskiranpoetry #poetrybyonur #romanticlovequotes #lovepoetry #heartfelt #lifequotes #relationshipmatters #love #aesthetic
Never Below Me
I'm a teacher, not an athlete. I don't compete with others. I compete with myself. So there's no reason to feel intimidated by me. Because the only time you'll ever see me towering above you in my shadow, is when I'm reaching down to pull you up and push you ahead of me. #poetrybyonur #onurtaskiranpoetry #wordsofwisdom #wordstoliveby #wisdomquote #motivational #quotes #powerful #beautifulwords #inspirational #lifequotes #armyofone #infj #infjman
This may contain: a man sitting on top of a bench with a quote above him that reads, i speak with my eyes listen with my heart and feel with my soul
INFJ Empath
Music by Howard Shore. Words from the heart of @poetrybyonur #poetrybyonur #infj #infjempath #empath #truthbetold #infjman #soulful #meaningful
Your Irrefutable
If you had to choose between me and someone or something else, then let me walk. I don’t want to be one of your choices. I want to be your undeniable, your indisputable, your irrefutable. #romanticquotes #sensual #sensuality #onurtaskiranpoetry #beautifulwords #sapiosexual #romanticlovequotes #beautiful #love #aesthetic #quotes #words #passion #eroticpoetry #choices
Your Irrefutable
If you had to choose between me and someone or something else, then let me walk. I don’t want to be one of your choices. I want to be your undeniable, your indisputable, your irrefutable. #romanticquotes #sensual #sensuality #onurtaskiranpoetry #beautifulwords #sapiosexual #romanticlovequotes #beautiful #love #aesthetic #quotes #words #passion #eroticpoetry #choices
Deep Into Your Mind
Please visit my page and follow me for more romantic love and relationship poetry. #onurtaskiranpoetry #poetrybyonur #romanticlovequotes #lovepoetry #lifequotes #relationshipmatters #love #aesthetic #sapiophile #infj #infjman