
33 Pins
Leucomelas and Tarapotos
4 Orange banded Leucomelas and 3 Imitator Tarapotos, this is their third day in the 90g Vivarium and everything seems to look well they are eating constantly and the males have been calling.Sorry bout the slow load time Feel free to comment
Crystal red shrimp breeding guide. Check them out on facebook. I like this nano aquascape because it shows a little better what you can do with a narrower and taller tank.
My 29 gallon Fire Bellied Toad tank with false bottom, stream and pond.
10 gallon tank with fire-belly toads, neon tetras, platies, ghost shrimp, and lots of plants. Uses an external 5Gal sump.
New big build would love some input from others!!
Fire Belly Toad Tank Setup | New big build would love some input from others!! - Reptile Forums
Plantes aquatiques : définition, les vraies, espèces, culture...
aquaterrarium avec plantes aquatiques dans l'eau et plantes terrestres sur la partie terrestre
Paludarium for Poison Dart Frogs
Tim's 72 gallon paludarium More