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Mr. P's Mythopedia
Creatures, Monsters and Supernatural Beings of Native American Mythology! #NativeAmericanMythology #Monsters #Infographic #NativeAmericanFolklore #Mythology #MrPsMythopedia
Nishi - Mimicking the voices of loved ones and family members to lure lonely travelers back to their secluded dens, from which they will never return Some magic users have the ability to nurture and control these monsters, and are often known to unleash them on those that they have grudges against. They will only call out for a victim twice, and so the real person will have been trained to call out thrice.
Baron Cimetière- Haitian myth: a spirit of the dead. He is the guardian of the cemetery, protecting it's Graves. He is the doorman between the world of the living and the afterlife. He keeps the dead in and the living out.
Baron La Croix- Haitian myth: loa of the dead and sexuality. He is the ultimate suave and sophisticated.
Abhartach- Irish legend: a man who was an evil tyrant and magician. A chieftain killed him and buried him standing up. The tyrant arose again as walking dead. The chieftain consulted a druid who told him he could only be killed with a sword made of yew wood, burying him upside down, surrounding his grave with thorns, and placing a large stone on top of the grave. The tyrant was forever sealed upside down which inhibits his power.
Cerridwen the Celtic Goddess of Witchcraft and the Underworld, there are similarities with Hecate among others..
The Bakezōri is described as a wandering sandal with two arms and two legs, but only one eye. It's a member of the Tsukumogami, an entire class of yōkai and obake, comprised of ordinary household items that come to life on the one-hundredth anniversary of their birth.
Grand Bois- Haitian myth: an elemental, nature loa of trees, herbs, honey, and spiced rum. He represents rich earth and dark woods.
Mr. P's Mythopedia
It would be wrong to say that it was ancient China's darkest moment, as that really wouldn't be the truth, but when ten suns arose to cross the skies each day, the land was a scorched wasteland, crying out for salvation. Not even the Emperor had a good idea of what to do, so he called upon one of China's premiere divine heroes, YI THE ARCHER, who went forth to deal with the problem! #YiTheArcher #Houyi #Yi #Archer #AncientChina #China #ChineseMythology #Mythology #MrPsMythopedia
Kiyohime- Japanese myth: a woman who fell in live with a priest. But when the priest rejected her and tried to escape on a boat, she swam after him and turned into a giant serpent in her rage. The priest hid under a bell in a church but she coiled around it and belched out fire, melting the bell and killing the priest.:
Kwaidan - Jiki Ninki (Man-Eating Goblin)
Kwaidan - Jiki Ninki (Man-Eating Goblin) - SaruDama
Werewolf Legends from Around The World | Costume Supercenter Blog
Werewolves have dominated legends and myths for hundreds of years. This infographic details their origins from around the world and explores the differences in werewolves culturally.