Nirupa Rao

42 Pins
Ensete Ventricosum Large Seed Abisynian Banana 3 seeds
The seeds of this banana tree come from the twin variety of the Ensete Ventricosum banana plant, which is cultivated in the Andes of South America. There is little confirmed information about this variety. It differs from the regular variety mainly in the size of the seeds. These are probably the biggest banana seeds I've ever seen. Also, the underside of the leaves of this Ensete Ventricosum variety is somewhat bluer, and the stem seems to have some wax on it, which is more characteristic of E
Caryota urens is naturally found from sea level to 300 m, in Myanmar (Burma), India, and Sri Lanka where it grows on plateau or in rain forest clearings. The trunks are used as building material and the sap is converted to sugar, wine, and sago. As this species is monocarpic, the completion of the flower and fruiting process results in the death of the tree. In most cases there is a period of several years between the emergence of the first flowers and the setting of the last fruit.
Natural Vetiver Roots Pure Khus Khus, Ramacham, Vetiveria Zizanioides Dried Herbal Kuruveeru, Vettivilu, Vetiveerum OGOC - Etsy
Natural Vetiver Roots Pure Khus Khus, Ramacham, Vetiveria Zizanioides Dried Herbal Kuruveeru, Vettivilu, Vetiveerum - Etsy
দোলনচাঁপা: দোলনচাঁপার ইংরেজি নাম : Butterfly Ginger Lily, White Ginger Lily, Garland Flower বৈজ্ঞানিক নাম : Hedychium coronarium বাংলার অতি পরিচিত একটি ফুল হলো দোলনচাঁপা। বর্ষা ও শরতকালীন ফুলগুলোর মধ্যে দোলনচাঁপা অন্যতম। দোলনচাঁপার আয়ু খুব কম সময়ের জন্য হলেও এর মনোলোভা সুগন্ধের কারণে অনেকেরই খুব পছন্দের। দোলনচাঁপার মোট প্রজাতির সংখ্যা প্রায় ৪০টি! সাদা ছাড়াও কোনো কোনোটির রং হলদেটে বা লালচে হয়। আবার কোনো কোনো ফুলে থাকে গাঢ় হলুদ বা কমলা রঙের ছিটে।