
169 Pins
Class Coupons for Classroom Management - Fun and Cost Free
Do you want a reward system that your students will LOVE but also save you money? Use classroom coupons as an all year round positive reward system. This classroom management system is very easy to use and they allow students a choice in which reward they would like! It comes with 36 Editable and Ready-To-Print Class Coupons with unique cliparts drawn by yours truly :) Three 'special' coupons are also included: Birthday, First Day of School and Punchcard Coupons!
Recycle Sort - Recycling Activity - Earth Day Activities
Recycle Sort! Looking for some engaging ways to teach your students about what to recycle and what not to recycle?! This hands on activity provides multiple practice opportunities with 40 different picture cards to sort and is the perfect addition to any recycling unit. Students love feeding the trash bins, which makes this activity highly engaging. Students choose a picture card and then feed it to the correct trash bin.