Efeitos de Luz

14 Pins
Fator Quinze Fotografia
Fator Quinze Fotografia - Luzes - 15 anos - Fator Quinze - Foto - Fotografia - Foto com luzes - Light - Lindas - Laranja - Vermelho - Branco - Rosa - Debutante - Foto de 15 anos - Quinze Anos
Angle The sidelight shining on her face highlights her profile and each strand of hair which creates a lot more detail to the image
Testing Out a Rosco Gel Kit for Creative and Colorful Photographic Lighting
1. Cyan; 2. Softbox 1/2 CTO. I really love this color, it gives a dark and cold mood that is really nice . The mix with the CTO is perfect to me. For this image I installed a Stripbox at 45° with the cyan, and a square softbox with a 1/2 CTO filter.
Testing Out a Rosco Gel Kit for Creative and Colorful Photographic Lighting
1. Cyan, 2. Stripbox Grid Full CTO, 3. Blue, 4. Softbox Cyan, 5. Magenta. Using five light sources each of them with some gels.
8 esquemas de luz para ousar com gelatinas coloridas | iPhoto Channel
8 esquemas para ousar com gelatinas | | Dicas de Fotografia | iPhoto Channel
8 esquemas para ousar com gelatinas
8 esquemas para ousar com gelatinas