Papers by Roberta Sonnino
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
e authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or nancial rel... more e authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or nancial relationships that could be construed as a potential con ict of interest.
Com base em apelos generalizados por políticas e estratégias de desenvolvimento que alinhem objet... more Com base em apelos generalizados por políticas e estratégias de desenvolvimento que alinhem objetivos humanos e ecológicos, um número crescente de estudiosos e profissionais está recorrendo ao conceito de “dieta sustentável” como um princípio orientador para abordar as implicações multidimensionais da produção de alimentos na sociedade, no meio ambiente e na economia. Depois de discutir os princípios fundamentais deste conceito e fornecer alguns exemplos da sua aplicação prática, este artigo explora o potencial da aquisição de alimentos no desenvolvimento de dietas sustentáveis em compras públicas de alimentos. Uma revisão crítica da literatura mostra que há três barreiras principais que precisam ser superadas para incorporar os princípios da “dieta sustentável” nas compras públicas: a primazia de um ethos rígido, “value for money”, que reforça uma cultura avessa ao risco em torno da provisão de alimentos públicos que inibe indivíduos e organizações de impulsionar a mudança; a tendê...
Http Dx Doi Org 10 1080 13563475 2013 750937, Feb 1, 2013
In the context of a global food system that has given rise to widespread concerns for food securi... more In the context of a global food system that has given rise to widespread concerns for food security and sustainability, reformative efforts have emerged, expanded and multiplied worldwide. To enhance understanding of the multi-faceted nature of this food movement and its scope for convergence and consolidation, in this article we propose frame alignment and alliance-building as a theoretical and analytical framework. Using New York City as a case study, we explore how school food reform may act as a particularly powerful platform for ...
International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 2014
As a response to emerging calls for the adoption of a systemic approach to food security, in this... more As a response to emerging calls for the adoption of a systemic approach to food security, in this article we identify and discuss inextricably linked barriers to 'sustainable food security'. Based on an extensive analysis of recent academic and policy literatures on the economic, social and ecological effects of global environmental change at different stages of the food system, we highlight a series of cross-cutting issues and areas of disconnection between food production and consumption that call for a renovated focus on the different nodal points of the food system. As we suggest, a sustainable food security framework should move away from the conventional focus on individual components of the food system (e.g., supply and demand) and address more holistically the complex relationships between its different stages and actors.
Agriculture and Human Values, 2015
Julien 2016. A food politics of the possible? Growing sustainable food systems through networks o... more Julien 2016. A food politics of the possible? Growing sustainable food systems through networks of knowledge. Agriculture and Human Values 33 (1) , pp. 27-43. 10.1007/s10460-015-9592-0 file Publishers page: http://dx.Abstract: There is increased recognition of a common suite of global challenges that hamper food system sustainability at the community scale. Food price volatility, shortages of basic commodities, increased global rates of obesity and non-communicable food-related diseases, and land grabbing are among the impediments to socially just, economically robust, ecologically regenerative and politically inclusive food systems. While international political initiatives taken in response to these challenges (e.g. Via Campesina) and the groundswell of local alternatives emerging in response to challenges are well documented, more attention is needed to the analysis of similarities between community approaches to global pressures. While we are not suggesting the application of a template set of good practices, the research reported in this paper point to the benefits of both sharing good practices and enabling communities to adopt good practices that are suited to their place-based capacities. The work also suggests that sharing communityderived good practices can support and reinforce global networks of sustainable community food systems, foster knowledge co-creation and ultimately cement collective action to global
Environmental Leadership: A Reference Handbook, 2012
Sociologia Ruralis, 2012
Abstract Although agro-food researchers have been calling for studies that uncover the tensions i... more Abstract Although agro-food researchers have been calling for studies that uncover the tensions inherent in the process of construction of alternative food networks, the literature has mostly focused on individual initiatives, which make it difficult to address the ...
Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 2010
Building on the stimulating critique of normative views of scale provided by the literature on th... more Building on the stimulating critique of normative views of scale provided by the literature on the ‘local trap’, some agri-food researchers have recently argued that local food initiatives (including, for example, American Farm-to-School programs) reproduce neo-liberal values and forms of governance. By focusing on school food reform in two devolved sites of the UK, this paper aims to show that,
Journal of Economic Geography, 2006
... Building upon a growing literature on the meaning and implications of this concept in the con... more ... Building upon a growing literature on the meaning and implications of this concept in the context of food, we utilize 'embeddedness' as an analytical tool to identify a refined agenda and framework for research and ... 2. Beyond the crisis: the emergence of alternative food networks. ...
Papers by Roberta Sonnino