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Author: JM, Gretchen and Nate

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A science fiction literature history podcast, covering popular and obscure works. Contains spoilers for all works discussed.

Texts and translations:
Twitter: @ChrononautsSF
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Opening theme music by Ionas von Zezswitz
Sounds and effects by Nate
AI thumbnail art by DALL-E-2 and Stable Diffusion
136 Episodes
Containing Matters of MaintenanceTimestamps:Philip K. Dick biography, general discussion, "Last of the Masters" non-spoiler discussion (0:00)spoiler summary and discussion 38:55 Bibliography:Capanna, Pablo - "Idios Kosmos - Claves para una biograpfia de Philip K. Dick" (1992)Luminist Archives: Science Fiction, Fantasy and Weird Fiction Periodicals, Lawrence - "Divine Invasions: A Life of Philip K. Dick" (2005)Music:Johnston, J. S. - "Electric polka" (1878)
Containing Matters Maladapted and Malconstructed.Timestamps:non-spoiler discussion (0:00)spoiler summary (38:15)spoiler discussion and film adaptations (1:00:13)
Containing Matters of VacancyTimestamps:W.E.B. Du Bois background (0:00)"The Comet" non-spoiler discussion (41:54)spoiler summary and discussion (52:07)Bibliography:Horne, Gerald - "W.E.B. Du Bois: A Biography" (2009)VanderMeer, Jeff and Ann (eds.) - "The Big Book of Science Fiction" (2016)
Containing Matters of Regression Timestamps: S. Belsky biography, non-spoiler discussion (0:00) spoiler summary and discussion (23:07) Bibliography: Laboratory of Fantastika - "S. Belsky" Music: Bellak, James - "Comet Schottisch" (1853)
Containing Matters of Canine Convincing. Timestamps: introductions, non-podcast reads, background on the apocalypse (0:00) Amado Nervo's "The Last War" non-spoiler discussion, plot summary, spoiler discussion (19:00) Bibliography: Ferreira, Rachel Haywood - "The Emergence of Latin American Science Fiction" (2011) Tres Cuentos Literary Podcast #41 - "The Last War - Amado Nervo" Music: Scott, Charles P. - "The Cat with the Baritone Voice" (1903)
Containing Matters of Cable Management Timestamps: James Tiptree, jr. biography, non-spoiler discussion (0:00) plot summary and spoiler discussion (49:56) Bibliography: Phillips, Julie - "James Tiptree, Jr.: The Double Life of Alice B. Sheldon" (2007)
Containing Matters of Mercy Timestamps: Harlan Ellison biography, non-spoiler discussion (0:00) plot summary and spoiler discussion (49:58) Bibliography: Segaloff, Nat - "A Lit Fuse: The Provocative Life of Harlan Ellison" (2017)
Containing Matters of Distant Demands. Timestamps: Frederik Pohl biography, non-spoiler discussion (0:00) spoiler plot summary and discussion (38:57) Bibliography: Pohl, Frederik - "The Way the Future Was: A Memoir" (1978)
Containing Matters of Disorienting Displacement. Timestamps: Kersh biography, non-spoiler discussion (0:00) spoiler summary and discussion (23:22) Bibliography: The Nights And Cities Of Gerald Kersh
Containing Matters of Grotesque Gastronomy. Bibliography: Gregory, Sinda and McCaffery, Larry - "Not just a Gibson Clone: An Interview with Goro Masaki" Tatsumi, Takayuki - "Generations and Controversies - An Overview of Japanese Science Fiction, 1957-1997", Science Fiction Studies, Vol. 27, No. 1 (Mar., 2000)
Containing Matters most Revolting. Bibliography: Banerjee, Suparno - "Other tomorrows: postcoloniality, science fiction and India" (2010) Banerjee, Suparno - "Indian Science Fiction: Patterns, History and Hybridity" (2020) Bhattacharya, Atanu and Hiradhar, Preet - "Own Maps/Imagined Terrain: The Emergence of Science Fiction in India", Extrapolation, vol. 55, no. 3 (2014) Chattopadhyay, Bodhisattva - "Aliens of the same world: The Case of Bangla Science Fiction" (2011) Chattopadhyay, Bodhisattva - introduction to "The Inhumans and other stories" (2024) Harder, Hans - "Indian and International: Some Examples of Marathi Science Fiction Writing", South Asia Research, 21, 1, 2001 Khanna, Rakesh - "The Blaft Anthology of Tamil Pulp Fiction", vols 1-3 (2008-2017) Kuhad, Urvashi - "Science Fiction and Indian Women Writers: Exploring Radical Potentials" (2021) Mondal, Mini - "A Short History of South Asian Speculative Fiction: Part I" (2018) Mondal, Mini - "A Short History of South Asian Speculative Fiction: Part II" (2018) Mund, Subhendu - "Kylas Chunder Dutt: The First Writer of Indian English Fiction", in "The Making of Indian English Literature" (2021) Phondke, Bal - preface to "It Happened Tomorrow" (1993) Saint, Tarun K. (ed) - "The Gollancz Book of South Asian Science Fiction" (2019) Sengupta, Debjani - "Sadhanbabu’s Friends: Science Fiction in Bengal from 1882-1961" in "Sarai Reader 03: Shaping Technologies" (2003) Tickell, Alex - "Terrorism, Insurgency and Indian-English Literature, 1830-1947" (2012) Tickell, Alex - "Midnight’s Ancestors: Kylas Chunder Dutt and the Beginnings of Indian-English Fiction", Wasafiri Vol. 21, No. 3 November 2006
Timestamps: non-podcast reads, non-fiction background favorites (0:00) worst 3 and best 5 of episodes 32-45, future plans (47:25) Bookstores mentioned: Family Book Shop, 1301 N Woodland Blvd, DeLand, FL 32720 RBC Video, 269 Brighton Beach Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11235 (I said RBC Books by mistake and didn't catch it until after I uploaded this - sorry!)
Containing Matters of Malformed Materialization. Switching sounds:
Containing Matters of Malpractice. Bibliography: Joshi, S.T. - "The Evolution of the Weird Tale" (2004) Mobile, AL First National Bank - "Highlights of 75 Years in Mobile" (1940) Morrow, W.C. - "Some Queer Experiences" (1891) Moskowitz, Sam - "Forgotten Master of Horror - The First Phase" in "Discovering Classic Horror Fiction I" (1992)
Containing Matters of Fluidics. Bibliography: Haining, Peter - biography on Ronald Ross from "The Monster Makers" anthology (1974) Nobel Prize and Laureates - "Ronald Ross" London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine - "Biography of Sir Ronald Ross" Sinden, Robert E. - "Malaria, mosquitoes and the legacy of Ronald Ross", Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2007 Nov; 85(11): 894–896
Containing Matters of Mammals. Timestamps: non-spoiler discussion (0:00) spoiler plot summary and discussion (22:18) general discussion and film adaptaions (1:08:13) Bibliography: Philmus, Robert (ed.) - "The Island of Doctor Moreau: a variorum text" (1993) Rieder, John - "Colonialism and the Emergence of Science Fiction" (2008) Sherborne, Michael - "H.G. Wells: Another Kind of Life" (1988) Shippey, Tom - "Hard Reading: Learning from Science Fiction" (2016) Music: Heiné, Joseph - "Madeira polka" (1874)
Containing Matters of Morphine. Timestamps: introductions, recent reads (0:00) general discussion on the legacy of "Frankenstein" (15:25) "Under the Knife" discussion (25:55) Bibliography: Gaping Blackbird - "The Purple Pileus" Haining, Peter - introduction to "The Monster Makers" anthology (1974) various articles from "The dental and surgical microcosm" (1891-1893) Music: Dayton, J. - "The Mary Jane Polka" (1857)
Containing Matters of Midwives and Miracles. Timestamps: PD James biography, non-spoiler discussion (0:00) spoiler plot summary and commentary (33:40) spoiler discussion (1:12:30) Bibliography: James, P.D. - "Time to Be in Earnest: A Fragment of Autobiography" (2001)
Containing a Matters which arrive at a decisive Finish. Bibliography: Moffat, Wendy - "A Great Unrecorded History: A New Life of E. M. Forster" (2010)
Containing a Matter of Mutation. Timestamps: Judith Merril biography, non-spoiler discussion (0:00) spoiler plot summary and discussion (35:09) Bibliography: Knight, Damon - "The Futurians" (1977) Merril, Judith and Pohl-Weary, Emily - "Better to Have Loved: The Life of Judith Merril" (2002)