life quotes

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Yea, go may try to go big, but make me angry or hurt someone I love and I'll go BIGGER!!!
'No Words, Quote It' Building,creating,strong, positive,independent,women.. One quote at a time♡
If You Have To Force It, Leave It Alone: Not Everyone You Lose Is A Loss
Woohoo! This is so true! Lost that loser and now look at me! Happy, Healthy, Wealthy & WISE! I was miserable & Now I'm happy & laughing again & having the best time of my life! Glad I saw this. A great reminder that God always has something better waiting for us when we work hard & live honestly
I’m so Proud of Myself for Every Single Decision (Live Life Happy)
Yep, that includes friends and relatives. My life has been so great without these toxic people around. Not going to apologize for it. Can't change people so might as well cut them off.
Happiness comes from the inside of who you are & not from an external source. Our society is confused in this matter & tells people that you need something or someone to bring happiness to you.
38 Wonderful Motivational And Inspirational Quotes
38 Wonderful Motivational And Inspirational Quotes #AngelaMedium #GuardianAngelMessenger