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Sciatica Pain Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments
Herniated Disks and Other Spinal Conditions That Can Lead to Sciatica Related Lower Back Pain
Low Back Pain Chart 20x26
Low Back Pain anatomy poster shows lower spine, pelvis tumors, infections, degenerative disease, ankylosing sponylitis...
6 things narcissists do that they don’t realize are rude and off-putting, says psychology
"Food to Feces" an interactive tour of the digestive system
“Food to Feces” an interactive tour of the digestive system
Understanding Colorectal Cancer (2E) Laminated 20x26
This 2nd edition exquisitely detailed 20" x 26" (51 x 66 cm) examination-room anatomy poster with grommets defines colorectal cancer showing anatomy with the following five pathologies: Adeno­carcinoma of colon, circumferential carcinoma of transverse colon, colonic polyps, adeno­carcinoma of jejunum, and adeno­carcinoma of recto­sigmoid region. This is one of the best laminated anatomy posters for oncologists and gastro­enerologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer. ©2022 Order at least 2 please Laminated with 2+ corner grommets Includes cancer staging