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Essential Herbs for Samhain
Must-Have Herbs for Your Samhain Rituals: Unlock Protection, Clarity, and Abundance This Season.
Root Chakra Crystals, Stones For Root Chakra, First Chakra Healing Gemstones and Crystals
Root Chakra (Muladhara) is the foundation of your chakra system located at the base of the spine. Most of the stones and crystals that correspond to the grounding energy of root chakra are red. Red stones will boost your vitality, strength, power, courage & self-awareness, & allow you to remain more grounded in the physical body. Other stones which match the energetic frequency of 1st chakra are black. Black stones and crystals offer the stability & protection required to balance the root chakra
Root Chakra Yoga Poses | Muladhara Chakra Yoga Asanas
Some of the best yoga asanas (poses) which work on stimulating and releasing energy from the root chakra come from hatha yoga. Hatha yoga practice is an old system of yoga, also known as conscious relaxation. This particular style of yoga is great for the root chakra because it involves grounding and relaxing each part of the body through the practice of asanas (body poses) as well as breathing exercises (pranayama). Let's have a look at some of my favorite yoga poses to balance the root chakra.
Sacral Chakra Crystals, Stones For Sacral Chakra, Second Chakra Healing Gemstones and Crystals
Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana) is the second chakra responsible for a healthy flow of your emotions, creativity, sexuality & pleasure. Healthy sacral chakra vibrates to the color of orange. Most of the crystals and gemstones associated with this energy center are also orange. Orange, brown & yellow sacral chakra stones will increase your joy, happiness, boost your creativity, balance your feminine-masculine energies, improve relationships & assist you with the healing of your reproductive organs.
Sacral Chakra Yoga Poses | Svadhisthana Chakra Yoga Asanas Sequence Flow
Balancing sacral chakra with yoga asanas exercises involves building strength and flexibility in your hips and all the muscles surrounding your pelvis. A yoga practice that emphasizes opening the hips will help you to relax and regain your emotional equilibrium. The sacral chakra is your main emotional center. Repressed emotions and feelings are very often trapped inside the physical body, and exercise is one of the best ways of releasing them. These are my favorite yoga poses for the 2nd chakra