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Social Media Cheat Sheet + Content Calendar
A social media cheat sheet for bloggers and entrepreneurs so you know what to post and when, plus tools to help you automate everything from scheduling, to growth and engagement, and creating images. Click through to see all the tips!
March Social Media Challenge 2018
Download our FREE March Social Media Challenge so you can plan ahead, be consistent and have great engagement all month long!
34 Business Quotes to Remember, Recite & Reuse - Pretty Designs
Another great quote. Businesses that are socially responsible seem to be more trustworthy in my opinion. This could potentially lead to more business and profit.
Automotive Service Advisor Myths
Automotive Service Advisors and Fixed Operations experts, listen up, service advisor myths are dangerous things. Here are the top 15 service advisor myths.
3 Steps to a Successful Repair Order: Complete Guide
When a client brings a car that needs work into a shop for repairs, the first person they will likely encounter is a trained automotive service advisor.
The Salesperson's Ultimate Guide to Tony Robbins
The Salesperson's Ultimate Guide To Tony Robbins
Sales tip: Easier said than done, especially if we rush a conversation or push an agenda rather than listen to prospect.
Business Quotes
“Every sale has five basic obstacles: no need, no money, no hurry, no desire, no trust.” ~ Zig Ziglar
Tips For Giving The Very Best First Impression At Work And Socially -
Look the part straight away, even when you don't feel comfortable or confident in the environment.