Artists and self portraits

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Women's Work: Representing the hysterical body in the late works of Louise Bourgeois
Women's Work: Representing the hysterical body in the late works of Louise Bourgeois
Sunny and Seventy Sunday in April by | steven page prewitt artist
Picasso and Lump
Picasso and Lump. My heart melted when I read the story of this lovable tailwagger and his friend Picasso
Joseph Cornell - Wikipedia
Joseph Cornell in 1971. He was born in 1903 and died in 1972. He lived a reclusive life and rarely left New York City. Besides creating his brilliant "Cornell boxes," and flat collages, he also was an experimental film-maker. With his short films, he used similar "found" techniques, splicing together strips of film shot by others.
Arandora Star Mosaic My father on the right with Renzo Serafini (Locarno Cafe, Inverness) My father designed and created this mosaic to commemorate the Arandora Star tragedy. I am trying to trace where it might be today....does anyone have any information? If you have, please e.mail me at