TTRPG Races/Species/Ancestries

126 Pins
10 Sections
Noren Beltrik
Lost his left arm and a portion of his face after releasing a Blighted Eladrin named Xyreqis from her tree prison (stole the idea for Xyreqis from Hexxus in Ferngully). Now he has been charged by an ancient Satyr to find and re-seal Xyreqis back in her eternal prison (yeah turns out this is one of those creatures that does need to be sealed away as she literally cannot die, an ancient red dragon could burn her to ash and she would just regrow herself in a few hours).
BattleCraft - Heart of the Wood by engkit on DeviantArt
BattleCraft - Heart of the Wood by on @DeviantArt
Oriental Creatures for Paizo's Pathfinder
"The art of Eric Belisle, an available freelance illustrator and concept artist based in Tokyo."