Water TextilesSea TextilesCarolyn SaxbyTextiles GcseMixed Media Textile ArtTextiles IdeasTextiles SketchbookGcse TextilesA Level TextilesCAROLYN SAXBY MIXED MEDIA TEXTILE ARTtextile artist photography and mixed media - Carolyn Saxby Textile Art St Ives Cornwall397
Textile Fiber ArtArt TextilesArte InspoFibre ArtTextile ArtistsArt TextileFelt ArtFiber ArtsAerial ViewShoreline 2 Textile ArtExplore Julie Shackson's 472 photos on Flickr!22.7k
Water TextilesSea TextilesTextiles Final PieceGcse Art TextilesFinal Piece IdeasTextiles GcseLand Sea And SkyMixed Media Textile ArtTextiles IdeasCity and Guilds final piece mountedFinally finished my City and Guilds Level 2 and was fortunate enough to get a distinction with my final project being my large coral reef picture. It turned out to be more purple than I imagined with more of the mount showing than I wanted but I like purple so no harm done. There are many techniques used including heating lots of chiffon, Tyvek, Lutradur and 3D medium with a heat gun as well as hand stitching and beading. I have extended this work into different colours mounted on a canvas.3.4k
Denim Surface ExplorationWater TextilesSeascape QuiltsBeach EmbroideryTextiles GcseTextiles IdeasTextiles SketchbookGcse TextilesOcean Fabric100_7949Explore yuki.koga's 8552 photos on Flickr!1.7k
Textiles GcseTextiles IdeasTextiles SketchbookGcse TextilesA Level TextilesWaves AbstractMixed Media TextilesOcean PollutionTextiles ProjectsSeascape_Layout_ProgressedSeascape_Layout_Progressed11
Slow Stitching BeachSlow Stitch Beach SceneSeascape Textile ArtTextile SeascapesLandscape TextilesOcean Textile ArtPainting With FabricBeach TextilesSeascape EmbroiderySlow Stitching Beach3.4k
Sea Inspired TextilesFabric Landscapes Textile ArtistsMixed Media SeascapeFabric Collage LandscapeBeach TextilesStitched LandscapesTextiles Final PieceSeascape QuiltsWave QuiltSea Inspired Textiles2.7k
Coral Textile ArtMajor Textiles ProjectGcse Textiles Mood BoardArtist Research Page Gcse Natural FormsTexture Pages Gcse ArtOcean Themed TextilesNatural Form TextilesOcean Textiles SketchbookTextiles Sea LifeCoral Textile Art1.6k
Fabric SeascapesSewn ArtNature TextilesMind Map ArtQuilt CollageAdvanced Higher ArtTextiles GcseTextile ArtworkGcse TextilesFabric Seascapes536
Textiles GcseTextiles SketchbookGcse TextilesA Level TextilesColour ChallengeTurquoise ColourTextiles ArtworkTextile Art EmbroideryTextiles Projectsrainforest + needlefeltingthis is a selection of my needlefelted samples, made before i created the exhbition piece i blogged about earlier, called forbidden fruit this sample (1 of 4) ended up being framed i called it rain…1.2k