
37 Pins
Tiers and layers; these can be quite confusing concepts, even for bakers. Here’s a little image to help you understand the difference 😉 ——— Pisos/niveles y capas; estos conceptos pueden resultar bastante confusos, incluso para los reposteros. Aquí tienes una pequeña imagen para ayudarte a entender la diferencia 😉 Custom cakes in Orlando Fl./Tortas personalizadas en Orlando Fl #cakesinorlando #customcakesinorlando #thecitybeautifulcakes #cakeart #orlandofl
Wedding, Tiered & Sheet Cake Pricing
Wedding, Tiered & Sheet Cake Pricing
SIZES — Dani's Heavenly Delights
CAKE SIZES & SKETCHES — Dani's Heavenly Delights
How to make a Wedding Cake Part I: Sketching the cake - Wow! Is that really edible? Custom Cakes+ Cake Decorating Tutorials
wedding cake step 4