
83 Pins
This Easy Natural Cleaner Gets Rid Of Mold And Mildew
How To Get Rid Of Mold and Mildew Naturally Mold & Mildew Cleaning Spray 1 cup white vinegar 20 drops melaleuca essential oil Glass spray bottle
Mold on Air Vents? Here’s How to Eliminate It
Mold on Air Vents? Here’s How to Eliminate It - Oh So Spotless
The classic symptoms of mold
Mold is more common than people realize – it's highly poisonous to the cells. Plus, it's a silent brewing disaster and ultimately detrimental. Also, mold will affect people differently depending on how robust their metabolic resilience is. Someone who gets really sick from mold is actually in an advantageous position – their body realizes that they need to get out of that environment. Tune in to hear Brendan and I talk more about what you can do if you have symptoms of mold.
1.7M views · 10K reactions | How to remove mould + help prevent it from returning 🧼🕊 here’s another top request to help tackle household mould. This DIY spray is powerful to remove spores around your home, and helps prevent it from coming back for longer! Simply mix: 🌻 1 cup white vinegar 🌻 20 drops clove oil 🌻 20 drops tea tree oil Spray on the affected area, wait 20 minutes and wipe clean with hot water. Always consult a professional for heavy mould within the home. Hope this was helpful lovelies 💛🌻 #cleaninghacks #cleaningtips #cleanhome #cleanstagram #cleaningmotivation #diysprays #cleanliving #hometips #homehacks #homecleaning #bathroomdesign #bathroomaesthetic #bathroominspiration #bathroominspo #homeinspiration #homesweethome #mamamilastips | Chantel Mila - Home Tips
1.7M views · 783 reactions | How to remove mould + help prevent it from returning 🧼🕊 here’s another top request to help tackle household mould. This DIY spray is powerful to remove spores around your home, and helps prevent it from coming back for longer! Simply mix: 🌻 1 cup white vinegar 🌻 20 drops clove oil 🌻 20 drops tea tree oil Spray on the affected area, wait 20 minutes and wipe clean with hot water. Always consult a professional for heavy mould within the home. Hope this was helpful lovelies 💛🌻 #cleaninghacks #cleaningtips #cleanhome #cleanstagram #cleaningmotivation #diysprays #cleanliving #hometips #homehacks #homecleaning #bathroomdesign #bathroomaesthetic #bathroominspiration #bathroominspo #homeinspiration #homesweethome #mamamilastips | Chantel Mila - Home Tips
2.5M views · 13K reactions | How to handle #shower caulking #mold naturally #moldremoval | Madame Sweat
63K views · 696 reactions | How to handle #shower caulking #mold naturally #moldremoval | Madame Sweat
218K views · 10K reactions | Here’s how to kill mould in your bathroom without using bleach/potent sprays: 1. Decant the hydrogen peroxide 3% into a spray bottle 2. Spray onto the mould 3. Cover the mould in tissue paper and spray the paper until it’s soaked through 4. Press the paper so it’s air tight underneath 5. Leave for a couple of hours or overnight if it’s really bad 6. Wipe and rinse Always wear gloves and wash your hands after use. Not recommended on any natural stone/marble. | Alice Riley
147K views · 4.6K reactions | Here’s how to kill mould in your bathroom without using bleach/potent sprays: 1. Decant the hydrogen peroxide 3% into a spray bottle 2. Spray onto the mould 3. Cover the mould in tissue paper and spray the paper until it’s soaked through 4. Press the paper so it’s air tight underneath 5. Leave for a couple of hours or overnight if it’s really bad 6. Wipe and rinse Always wear gloves and wash your hands after use. Not recommended on any natural stone/marble. | Alice Riley
Black Mold in Refrigerator .....Causes, Cleaning, Prevention
Black Mold in Refrigerator .....Causes, Cleaning, Prevention
The Best Natural Mold Cleaner Recipe - Earth Friendly Tips
If you have mold in your bathroom, you shouldn't reach for bleach to kill it. Learn why you should never use bleach to kill mold and the best natural mold cleaner recipe to use instead. A natural mold cleaner recipe will safely and effectively kill mold in your house. #natural #cleaning #ecofriendly
How to Safely Clean Mold in Shower: 4 Tips & Prevention
How to Clean Mold in a Shower: 13 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow
How to Remove Mold from Shower Caulk and Grout in One Easy Step
How to Remove Mold from Shower Caulk and Grout in One Easy Step