Caryatid [Korai] & Atlantid

Caryatid: a sculptured, well-dressed female figure used as a column (a vertical pillar) or a form of decoration, supporting an entablature on her head. One of the six Caryatids (GR Karyatids) - also known as Korai - that supported the roof of the south porch of the Erechtheion in Athens, Greece; The male counterpart of the Caryatid is referred to as a Telamon (plural Telamones) or Atlas (plural Atlantes);
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Ancient columns in Athens, Greece
Ancient columns in Athens, Greece : interestingasfuck
Ancient Greek Costume Primer (Athenian History #2) | Sara M. Harvey
Ancient Greek Costume Primer (Athenian History #2) | Sara M. Harvey on Patreon
Greek Fashion and Food
The Doric chiton is a rectangular piece of cloth that is twice the distance from elbow to elbow (outstretched arms) and a tiny bit taller than the wearer. The top was folded over. The piece of clothing was held together by two large pins at the shoulder. There were many different ways to wear the Doric chiton. Another piece of clothing women wore was called Ionic chiton. This again, was a large rectangular piece of cloth like the Doric chiton, but the Ionic chiton is a little wider and shorter.
The Caryatid Braids
The Caryatid Braids - Baltera