Cabelos grisalhos Malu

134 Pins
Привычка ухаживать за волосами и менять прически досталась нам от очень далеких предков. Еще в Древней Греции женщины придумали носить челки, а на Востоке в это время экспериментировали с цветом волос, крася их известью, корицей и прочими подручными средствами. В наши дни смена прически — отличный способ стать увереннее в себе и поднять себе настроение, глядя в зеркало. И вообще, что может быть лучше, чем трогать свежеподстриженные кончики волос, выходя из парикмахерской?
This may contain: a sticker with the words feliz pasgo written in spanish on it
SPINNER PÁSCOA CRISTÃ | Páscoa Crista Aula Infantil | Atividades Páscoa Cristã Educação Infantil
SPINNER PÁSCOA CRISTÃ - {Clique em Acessar e Confira} Profs, olhem que legal essa proposta de lembrancinha para a páscoa com o tema - páscoa cristã. Cristo vive! ✝️ A criançada vai amar esse Spinner interativo. São três opções de spinners disponíveis. Material digital em PDF. Um Spinner por folha. Por Apenas: R$ 5,00
Celebrating women with fabulous gray hair
Women with fabulous and gorgeous gray hair | Photo by Liliya | For more inspiration visit
The ’70s Shag Is Trending Again In 2024
The 70s long shag has never looked so good on natural gray hair! Pair this retro haircut with popular blunt bangs to create a unique hairstyle that will make you look and feel younger. Yaay! @silver_strands_of_mine
This may contain: someone is holding three plastic toys in their hands, with the words dica de attiv
Balão Sensorial - Dicas de Atividades para Crianças - Brincadeiras com Bexiga
Choosing the right hairstyle for your face shape to help emphasize the natural beauty of your grey hair by adding volume, highlighting shine, or playing with different textures, eventually making your silver hair transition journey easy and confident. Shag Haircut // WolfCut //
Long Grey Hairstyles for All Face Shapes
Choosing the right hairstyle for your face shape to help emphasize the natural beauty of your grey hair by adding volume, highlighting shine, or playing with different textures, eventually making your silver hair transition journey easy and confident. Shag Haircut // WolfCut //