Homemade gnocchi(potatoe/ricotta)cavateli/gnudi

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Nonna Nella 🍫 on Instagram: "“Giovedì gnocchi” ma anche mercoledì vabene😂 Questi sono super veloci provateli anche voi❤️ INGREDIENTI: - 250 gr di ricotta - 200 gr di farina - 2 cucchiai di parmigiano - un pizzico di sale - 1 uovo Procedimento : Formare un composto con tutti gli ingredienti fino ad ottenere un impasto omogeneo. Una volta pronto, dividerlo in piccole parti e formare di serpentelli da tagliare a mo' di gnocchetti. Una volta pronti, far cuocere in acqua bollente salata: per capi
Benedetta Rossi on Instagram: "GNOCCHI DI ZUCCHINE Una variante dei classici gnocchi, facili da fare e versatili 😘 INGREDIENTI 250g zucchine 250g ricotta 1 uovo 1 cucchiaio formaggio grattugiato 250g farina 00 noce moscata q.b. sale fino q.b. PROCEDIMENTO Iniziamo a preparare i nostri gnocchi di zucchine grattugiando in una ciotola la zucchina. Saliamo e lasciamola insaporire qualche minuto. Nel frattempo, in un’altra ciotola mettiamo la ricotta, l’uovo, il formaggio grattugiato, un pizzico
Pasta Chef Janine Bruno on Instagram: "Gnocchi di Patate 🙌🏼 An either loved or misunderstood dish. I think the problem is that they are often made improperly and result in heavy and dense dumplings. I have learned in a few regions in Italy and they are all on a similar page with how to make these little bites of heaven. PRO TIPS: •Use Yukon Gold Potatoes - I have always used russet but I think this made a big difference and much more similar to the yellow potatoes they use in Italy •Poke holes
Cristina Nicolini on Instagram: "GNOCCHI DI PATATE - 1 kg patate - 1 uovo - 250/300 g circa farina 00 - Sale (un pizzico) Come prima cosa lava le patate e, senza sbucciarle, mettile in una pentola piena di acqua fredda. Accendi il fuoco e falle bollire fino a che saranno morbide (ci vorranno circa 40-45 min..fate la prova stecchino prima di scolarle). Una volta cotte, scolale e lasciale intiepidire, ma non farle raffreddare completamente. Quando le patate sono ancora calde, sbucciale con u
Ale e Luca VivoGlutenFree® on Instagram: "#Family💛 ciao! Quando non hai voglia della solita pasta, ma non hai tempo! SALVA LA RICETTA 📌 Crea la tua RACCOLTA VIVOGLUTENFREE! INGREDIENTI per 4 persone: 400 gr mix di farine senza glutine 440 ml circa acqua 4 gr sale 2 cucchiaino curcuma 8 gr olio EVO Procedimento nel primo commento ⬇️ 👩🏻‍🍳 RICETTA COMPLETA sul blog https://www.cucina24ore.it/ricetta/gnocchetti-acqua-e-farina-senza-glutine-senza-patate-e-senza-uova-con-sughetto-veloce-di-pesce/
Ale e Luca VivoGlutenFree® on Instagram: "#Family💛 ciao! Quando non hai voglia della solita pasta, ma non hai tempo! SALVA LA RICETTA 📌 Crea la tua RACCOLTA VIVOGLUTENFREE! INGREDIENTI per 4 persone: 400 gr mix di farine senza glutine 440 ml circa acqua 4 gr sale 2 cucchiaino curcuma 8 gr olio EVO Procedimento nel primo commento ⬇️ 👩🏻‍🍳 RICETTA COMPLETA sul blog https://www.cucina24ore.it/ricetta/gnocchetti-acqua-e-farina-senza-glutine-senza-patate-e-senza-uova-con-sughetto-veloce-di-pesce/
Healthy 🍏 🍳🥗 🥞 🍝 on Instagram: "I could die for that brown butter smell, it’s one of those scents that just smells like happiness. Credit: @turkuazkitchen Sweet Potato Brown Butter Gnocchi Ingredients 2 medium potatoes, 1 medium sweet potato(425 g) 1 egg yolk Salt, black pepper 1/2 tsp garlic powder 1/2 tsp onion powder 1 1/4 cup flour For the Sauce 100 g butter Fresh sage leaves 1 clove of garlic (optional) 1 tsp black pepper Parmesan cheese For the Top Parmesan Cheese Fresh Herbs Bl
Nonna Nella 🍫 on Instagram: "GNOCCHI DI RICOTTA PRONTI IN 10 MINUTI⏰PROVARE PER CREDERE✌🏻❤️ INGREDIENTI: - 250 gr di ricotta - 200 gr di farina - 2 cucchiai di parmigiano - un pizzico di sale - 1 uovo Procedimento : Formare un composto con tutti gli ingredienti fino ad ottenere un impasto omogeneo. Una volta pronto, dividerlo in piccole parti e formare di serpentelli da tagliare a mo' di gnocchetti. Una volta pronti, far cuocere in acqua bollente salata: per capire se sono cotti non c'è biso
Nella 💘 on Instagram: "✨GNOCCHI✨ Lista della spesa per 4 persone👩🏻‍🍳 1 kg di patate 300/350 g di farina 1 uovo 50 g di parmigiano Sale Semola per il piano di lavoro #italy #italia #pasta #pastahomemade #tagliatelle #homemade #fitness #light #dieta #salutare #yogurtgreco #yogurt #healthyfood #healthy #fit #food #fresh #summer #asmr #asmrsounds #asmrfood #gnocchi"
La Mozzarella in Carrozza on Instagram: "Uno dei miei piatti preferiti in assoluto: gli GNOCCHI ALLA SORRENTINA 🍅🌿 Credo sia praticamente impossibile resistergli, soprattutto in estate, quando ci sono i pomodori freschi e il basilico sprigiona tutto il suo profumo. Molti si chiedono come mai l’impasto degli gnocchi rimanga appiccicoso o addirittura “colloso”: beh, può dipendere dal tipo di patate che si utilizza o dal fatto che sono ancora troppo calde quando si aggiunge la farina! Il vapore,
Cheese Gnocchi with Butter and Sage Sauce | Weekends are for making gnocchi! I have been passing down this tradition to my children and grandchildren for a long time. These Cheese Gnocchi are... | By Lidia Bastianich | Gnocchi gnocchi. I have the experience that everybody loves gnocchi but especially the making of it. It's a great food to make with the kids and yes, you can make the potato gnocchi's but this is an even quicker version with ricotta. So, I have here a nice, large curd ricotta. If it's watery, take it out the night before, put it in a strainer and let it drain the water out and and and then, we'll begin our gnocchi. So, grated cheese, plenty of grated cheese, flour. Flour will bind it all together. I'll put it like this. I'll leave just a little bit on the side in case I need it. Some eggs. Let me just mix that. Just let me whisk the eggs a little bit and get those in there. Parsley, pepper, white pepper, you know, you can put regular pepper but white pepper sort of disappears in there. Salt, Cheese is in there. It's salty so keep in mind. Get all of this mixed together. Beginning in a bowl keeps it kind of neater though I think it could use all of the flour. Let's get in there. Make it happen. So I'm turning it around. I'm putting it all together. Just like that. And I'm going to spill it out right on the counter. Put some flour and let's just and now you're treated like a dough. And you know, I always tell you whenever we're making gnocchi together and we've made gnocchi before, it's a dough that you don't want to overwork too much because the more you work it, the more flour it will take in and flour makes it heavier. So, just let's get it all incorporated. Okay and yes, it's just a little sticky and that's okay. Let's put some flour. Let's set it aside whenever you're needing anything and it sticks to you. Take a little bit of flour and what you do is you just kind of rub everything off. You see and voila, your hands are somewhat clean but ready to go back into the dough. Cut a piece of the dough some more flour and let's roll it into a cordune like and as you're rolling it you're kind of pushing it outside and then you cut it in little gnocchis just like that And this is a family affair. Absolutely. Get everybody here. Okay. The next thing is to really roll each one into a round little ball like that. Although I sometimes do it like that just to make things speed up especially at the restaurant. You kind of roll them all together and they're not perfectly round but they have a a roundness to them. And from here a fork. So you take it like that you put your thumb and you pressure it down but in pressuring it down you also roll it off the fork and then you give it a little help again you pressure it down and then you roll it off the fork you see here this little dumpling in there you want that in a gnocchi because that's where the sauce will lodge and so you can see that some could be rolling and cutting others could be actually shaping the gnocchi and so on dinner will be made and the whole family will be part of this You put them on a floured sheet pan. I'll roll a few more until I get to the end of this and then we'll start our sage and butter sauce and we'll be ready to eat. As you can see, the recipe makes quite a bit. So, if you have the whole gang over, by all means, cook it in two batches. Otherwise, you can put it in the freezer just as is. When it's frozen, you scoop them up and put them in a plastic bag and return them to the freezer for use whenever you want to. This is enough for us for today. What you need to cook gnocchi properly is really abundant salted water because there's a lot of flour here and you need it to cook vigorously. Gonna just shake a little bit off the excess flour. This is a good practice with all the homemade pasta where you need the flour to keep it from sticking while it's waiting to be cooked but then, you want to cook it. You don't want all that flour. So, let's shake it up and let's put the gnocchis back in Let's give it a gentle mix. The gnocchi gnocchi need maybe about five, 6 minutes when they come up and they start rolling. Uh they're done. In the meantime, we can make this sage sauce which is a cinch to make. Good butter and you don't want the butter to clarify so you you want that kind of creamy butteriness taste. Take some of the pasta water and it right in there with the butter and this will make your sauce. You add some sage leaves right in there and sage and cheese gnocchi go really really good together. Sage is really pronounced so that's enough. Let it release its flavors and this is the sauce. This is a great sauce for pasta for whatever when you're out of ideas or out of time then make a sauce like that. Although gnocchi gnocchi's are great with tomato sauce gnocchi. We used to make a lot gnocchi gnocchi's on Sunday. Sunday was the big day that everybody got around the table and grandma would usually was either a rabbit or a chicken with the chicken she would make soup with the bones and the necks and the wings and everything that made a great soup and then she would take the rest of the chicken make a sauce and gnocchi with the sauce from the chicken for that matter or from the rabbit was really great. Even the ricotta that I used to make this gnocchi. We used to have goat and she would make the ricotta out of the goat's milk. So I mean it was you know self production all the way. I learned a lot about the beauty of food and how to ultimately really respect it in cooking. Uh just let it shine because if you have a good product, the chef all he needs to do or she is just exalted. So, the gnocchi's are floating and you can tell by the fluffiness of the gnocchi that they're done and if you have any doubts, just pull one out and bite into it. I always tell you, you know, taste, taste, taste, taste and if you had the other batch you wanted to cook you could have cooked it right now and this would keep fine like this waiting for the other batch so I'm letting it cook a little bit all together shut it off and I will add cheese to it now. Hi, you know, you see chefs shaking this pan. Does it do anything? Yes, it does. You see how it emulsifies on the sides. I think what is happening is that you're incorporating air into the sauce and makes it kind of more velvety. So, this is ready. You can remove the sage leaves. You can leave them in there. People see them. They don't have to eat them. Sage has a a wonderful flavor but if you eat it, it does become a little bit too strong in the mouth but just like that and then, for me. Just like that. Put a little bit of cheese in there and I'm going to dig in. You gotta eat it while it's hot. Delicioso, bonisimo, super bonisimo. Um it really reminds me a lot of my childhood because these are the kind of flavors and textures that cares you, you know, cheese, milkiness, delicate the smoothness, the lightness of the gnocchi itself. So, worth making.
Lidia Bastianich - Cheese Gnocchi with Butter and Sage Sauce
Gnocchi di ricotta gratinati al forno
Guarda come preparare gli gnocchi di ricotta gratinati al forno. Scopri come cucinarli alla perfezione su Sale&Pepe.
al.ta.cucina on Instagram: @unastellaincucina ci ha preparato gli 👉 Gnocchi alla romana ❤️ Un primo piatto spesso bistrattato in favore dei suoi parenti romani più…