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12 Tips to make your Inner QUEEN Rise!
The queen is an archetype.. and she lives in everyone. She teaches you how to lead, how to grow and how to take responsibility of your own life. To be truly sovereign, your queen archetype needs to rise, but how? Here are 12 methods for archetypal transformation... Click through to the Moon School for bonus techniques.
YOU are a talent. If you're a CREATOR archetype, you're here to develop imagination, make money from art, be a designer, help with marketing or branding, or bring creativity to ANY project or job role. There are 12 Archetype Personalities. I wonder which one YOU are? Take the Secret Superpower Quiz & you can start discovering your core strengths & talents that can lead to your life purpose, power and profits. #archetypes#howtobeanartist #developimagination#makemoneyfromart