Money Mantras

Personal Finance Isn’t Just Personal • Money After Graduation
The term “personal finance” (and much of the advice around it) tends to assume individual control. Things like spending, saving, and earning, and the assumption that our choices will only affect us or our immediate household.But what about when our finances are also deeply impacted by intergenerational models of wealth, perceptions of race, and other systems out of our control?
Billionaires aren�t the super inspirational leaders of capitalism. They�re actually a nasty by-product of financial market deregulation and tax breaks for the wealthy. And their existence harms you personally.� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� � � �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� � #billionaire #eattherich #
Check Your Financial Privilege • Money After Graduation
Advice in the personal finance community has always been catered toward at those who already have money to spare. Even with the audience broadening in recent years, many aspects of the money business continues to exclude the impoverished.
Billionaires aren’t the super inspirational leaders of capitalism. They’re actually a nasty by-product of financial market deregulation and tax breaks for the wealthy. And their existence harms you personally.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #billionaire #eattherich #taxtherich
Build Wealth Slowly: An Interview with Spills Spot
Build Wealth Slowly: An Interview with Spills Spot
Personal Financial Plan Example (Manage Your Money Like a Pro)
Personal Financial Plan Example (Manage Your Money Like a Pro)
Money Affirmation Mantras
I love these positive money affirmation mantras. Do these every day and watch how the law of attraction will manifest itself in your life. Practice gratitude and be grateful for the wealth you already have. No need to be a lottery winner, you can win with life with these daily money affirmations
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#HopeHealGrow | Use these #money mantras to help you reach your #financialgoals! #motivationalquotes