Emergency Preparedness

18 Pins
Upcycle Pill Bottles with These 22 Fun & Creative Ideas
You will never look at an empty pill bottle the same after you see these creative upcycles. Remember, health doesn't come from plastic bottles, but if it does, make something fabulous with them afterwards. #upcycle #free #crafts
How to be prepared for COVID-19 or any other SHTF event. Fighting with the “prepper” stigma
[Mom Prepared] – Practical tips and resources for everyone on everyday preparedness and emergency readiness.
Unique uses for vacuum sealer | Food Saver uses | how to use a food saver | how to use a vacuum sealer
How to Preserve Food Without Refrigeration - Earthineer
Easy long-term food storage for food: rice/beans/grains/sugar. Use soda bottles. Water/air tight/keep bugs out! 1 &2 liter sizes great for trading too!
Vacuum Sealers - What You Need to Know Before You Buy
5 Uses for a Vacuum Sealer Everyone Should Know, Plus FoodSaver® FM2000 Vacuum Sealer Review and Giveaway. Vacuum Sealers protect more than just food.
Emergency 72 Hour Family Packs
Survival Zombie Apocalypse: #Survival ~ Great list of items needed in a serious 72-hour kit. You can download the entire list free. www.SodaPopAve.com.
Pot and Candle Heater for Emergency Heating
How to Make an Emergency Heater. At first I thought this seemed kind of irrelevant to me, but then I remembered we had negative temperatures last night, and we'd have been SOL if the power went out.
Ten Habits of Happy Preppers
Men, No Laughing! EVEN MEN should be prepared to WEAR PANTYHOSE on their bug-out or get-home journey. Why Pantyhose: * Helps prevent getting blisters on long hikes (and your feet will stay extra warm). * Keeps chiggers and ticks at bay as an extra layer. * Is an improvised fishing net, * Carries food or tinder in a survival situation * Filters water (with sand, charcoal and rocks) http://www.happypreppers.com/
How to Set Broken Bones in an Emergency / The ReadyBlog
How to set a broken bone in an emergency