Prayer is talking while meditating is listening. There are hundreds of ways to meditate, and we tend to make it much harder than it really is. Meditating can be as simple as sitting quietly and focusing attention on your breath. If you want to work with a specific angel, quiet down, go within, and imagine an angel standing before you. Then, open your mind and your heart to the angel's love and guidance. Susan Gregg
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These things I warmly wish for you: Someone to love, some work to do, A bit o' sun, a bit o' cheer, And a guardian angel always near. - Irish Blessing
Prayer is simply the act of asking. It is a conversation with God, the universe, a higher power, Mother Earth, or a specific angel, saint or deity. Whoever or whatever you choose to pray to, think of prayer as a conversation with a supportive friend. You don't have to beg for help. It is a matter of opening your mind and your heart. State your problem and ask for guidance and assistance. Susan Gregg
Doreen Virtue Quotes
ANGELS HELP ME REMEMBER "Angels, please help me remember to direct blessings and prayers to everyone I meet today. Please send extra healing energy through me to all my relationships. I ask that each encounter I have bring gifts to everyone involved."~Doreen Virtue
Prayer is talking while meditating is listening. There are hundreds of ways to meditate, and we tend to make it much harder than it really is. Meditating can be as simple as sitting quietly and focusing attention on your breath. If you want to work with a specific angel, quiet down, go within, and imagine an angel standing before you. Then, open your mind and your heart to the angel's love and guidance. Susan Gregg
The golden moments in the stream of life rush past us and we see nothing but sand; the angels come to visit us, and we only know them when they are gone. - George Elliot
Angels come to help and guide us in as many guises as there are people who need their assistance. Sometimes we see their ethereal, heavenly shadow, bright with light and radiance. Sometimes we only feel their nearness or hear their whisper. And sometimes they look no different from ourselves. - Eileen Elias Freeman
To see an angel, you must see another's soul. To feel an angel, you must touch another's heart. To hear an angel, you must listen to both.- Unknown
TitusBoy25 - Hobbyist, Digital Artist | DeviantArt
We are always surrounded by angels. We swim in a sea of unlimited, unconditional love filled with celestial beings of light that are more than willing and able to help us. The only catch is that we have to ask and also be willing to accept the assistance. Susan Gregg
Doreen Virtue Quotes
SEE IT & BELIEVE IT Instead of searching for what you want externally, concentrate on developing mental pictures of your desires. Surround these images with feelings of security, gratitude, and faith; and know that what you’ve been looking for is on its way to you right now."~Doreen Virtue
Doreen Virtue Quotes
FORGIVENESS "Forgiveness is the key to breaking the cycle of karma and reincarnation. Forgiveness doesn't mean: "What you did was okay." It simply means, "I'm no longer willing to carry the heavy toxic burdens of anger, resentment, and victimhood in my soul." You can work on healing, uplifting, and changing situations from a place of forgiveness, instead of from a place of resentment. Forgive yourself and everyone, and you are free!"~Doreen Virtue
Doreen Virtue Quotes
ANGELS HELP ME REMEMBER "Angels, please help me remember to direct blessings and prayers to everyone I meet today. Please send extra healing energy through me to all my relationships. I ask that each encounter I have bring gifts to everyone involved." Doreen Virtue
An angel can illumine the thought and mind of man by strengthening the power of vision and by bringing within his reach some truth which the angel himself contemplates. - St. Thomas Aquinas