Los Angeles

Home to mountain canyons, movie stars and so much more, the City of Angels knows how to keep you entertained
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Walt Disney Concert Hall - Featured on RueBaRue. Beloved by music enthusiasts, architecture buffs and locals, the Walt Disney Concert Hall is the pride of the Music Center, a 2,265-seat theater that feels intimate.
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Clifton’s - Featured on RueBaRue. L.A.’s oldest (and largest) cafeteria roared back to life on October 1, lovingly restored with the hip take on old and new you expect in downtown L.A.
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The Broad - Featured on RueBaRue. A gleaming, $140 million contemporary art museum, opened in Fall 2015 and built to house the blue chip collection of Eli and Edythe Broad, local philanthropists and enthusiastic collectors.
Los Angeles Travel Guide
Set your dates, pace and interests, and our Los Angeles Travel Guide recommend an itinerary of top attractions organized to reduce traveling around plus a map to help direct you.