Brene Brown

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Walk On into the Lions’ Den
No one has ever thrown me into a den of lions and locked the door, but by the thump of my racing heart (in far less threatening circumstances), one would think they had. The fear of rejection or di…
More Brene Brown Quotes - Narcissist Abuse Support
Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren't always comfortable, but the're never weakness.
Boundaries Protect What Matters Most Free Class - Johanna Lynn
"DARING TO SET BOUNDARIES IS ABOUT HAVING THE COURAGE TO LOVE OURSELVES, EVEN WHEN WE RISK DISAPPOINTING OTHERS." � BRENE BROWN #genetics #family #inheritance #emotionalinheritance #therapy #parents #epigenetics #therapy #relationshiptherapy #Relationship
More Brene Brown Quotes - Narcissist Abuse Support
Shame hates it when we reach out and tell our story. It hates having words wrapped around it - It can't survive being shared. Shame loves secrecy. When we bury our story, the shame metastisizes.
The Man in the Arena Motivational Unframed Poster or Print by Theodore Roosevelt - Etsy
The Man in the Arena Motivational Poster Print by Theodore Roosevelt
More Brene Brown Quotes - Narcissist Abuse Support
Compassion is not a virtue - it is a commitment. It's not something we have or don't have - it's something we choose to practice.
More Brene Brown Quotes - Narcissist Abuse Support
Compassionate people ask for what they need. They say no when they need to, and when they say yes, they mean it. They're compassionate because their boundaries keep them out of resentment.
By redefining vulnerability, Brené Brown is helping us all learn to open up to joy, creativity, faith, and love. Super soulers, how will you dare greatly?
The power of vulnerability: having the courage to say how we really feel
Purple Buddha project —