Dating, Love, Romance, Relationships

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The right to say no is everywhere and for everyone.
If a word were to summarize this post it would be “no”. The right to say “no” should never be forgotten in all contexts related to the body. It’s not a pure and hard story of feminism, even though I speak like a girl/woman. I write this post because I want everyone to realize that the...
9 evidence that your man is cheating on you
Age difference in love: no, it?s not a barrier to feelings!
We do not have the age given by civil status but that granted by contemporaries. This quote does not come from a famous writer or a tender-hearted poet but from Philippe Bouvard! The journalist and presenter of the big heads. Not that I'm a fan of the latter far from it, but his sentence seemed
Don’t waste your time with these men who only have a man in appearance!
The Beetles said All you need is love ( all you need is love ) … Which is true but under certain conditions! You may often come across a man who will only play the man and you will end up with a capricious and disrespectful kid, who will pretend to love you without knowing what he is talking about. So...
Love Mist : I love you as I can
I love you as I can. I try not to lose my love in our relationship. I try to tell you what I have inside but you know it's not easy sometimes. I would like you to hear what I don't always say. I would like you to see the mist in love and we
5 benchmarks to reach the flow of your life after the wounds of the soul
My soul searched, my soul jostled, my soul fell and it cried, cried of so many things, of so many pasts, of so many wounds of the soul and of all those decisions that did not come before. From imbalances to continual readjustments, I've exhausted myself and it's time….to go to that unknown elsewhere which
Everything you need to know to succeed in love
During my studies, I was often told about the famous Maslow pyramid which aims to present the basic needs of human beings and by correlation the way they function and set priorities. The observation that can be drawn is simple: we are not made to live alone because the weight of society and the gaze
When a man appreciate you but doesn’t appreciate you enough
The “gray area” is undoubtedly the one that most often upsets women. This area of ??uncertainty where a man shows his interest, but nothing more. This area of ??doubt, where despite some positive signals, you have no idea what it feels like for you. And I receive many messages from women living at that time. Desperate, they...
Understanding and Getting Rid of Emotional Dependence
Emotional dependence is present in many romantic relationships. It is a pain that steals the relationship and makes it unlivable. What is emotional dependence? Emotional dependence is waiting for the feeling of being a good person to be transmitted to us by someone who holds the attachment figure in our mind. We feel ready, as
If you like her, do not destroy her. An indispensable text to read by all men
Couple relationships are not always a long calm river and sometimes even the love we bring to someone can sometimes be dangerous especially. Harm the other is the worst thing that can happen in a relationship especially when it is not in its infancy. In this case, the man or the woman undergoes a heavy pressure...
What you should NOT do with your eyebrows
Of course, you have also seen these images of people who have broken their faces by a bad decision in the eyebrows. How they speak! That’s why I started to collect what we should NOT do with our eyebrows. 1. Hair removal completely You do not mention this crime! In facial reading, this has a...
7 tips, how to woo an insecure woman with herself
Falling in love with a girl with insecurities is not an easy task since they are usually very closed and shy. But guys really want to understand how to woo an insecure woman. Then you will have to have a lot of patience and understanding to get it right. The best way to make a woman with
Relationship Rules
Men are generally considered to be the least talkative, which is not so true. Women have a variety of things to say and do both when they are with someone and when they are not, their body language and eye movements can bring a dead person back to life or petrify a man in his...
Feeling love for a person without knowing them
It is likely that you have ever run into someone in a place that is attractive to you. Believe it or not, you can feel love for a person without knowing them. Many define this feeling as love at first sight. You feel like you've found the man or woman of your life. What does it mean to feel love for a person you