Christmas Angel DIY

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Origami Angel ornaments
origami angels - decorate both sides so it's pretty from any angle. could use a wire headpin to more firmly secure bead to angel and even use end extending upward to secure the halo
no-budget christmas decor: popsicle sticks!
Popsicle stick angels. LOVE this!!!! We will be making this this year...I may even have this for Sam's class...maybe bring two ornament options for them to choose from in case the boys dont' want to do this!
Most inspiring pictures and photos!
Repiny - Most inspiring pictures and photos!
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Angel Earrings. Could totally make these for gifts/crafts from the kids!
Paper Doily Angel Ornament | Angel ornaments diy, Paper doily crafts, Christmas angels
A paper doily and ribbon along with candy or small toys become a simple and fun paper doily cone ornament. Description from I searched for this on
12 Days of Christmas Carols and Crafts: Hark! The Herald Angels Sing - Kids Activities | Saving Money | Home Management | Motherhood on a Dime
Hand-print (and foot-print) angel - I want to do these on burlap and turn them into pillows.