名古屋工業大学 図書館
Nagoya Institute of Technology Library
Gokiso-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya 466-8555
URL: https://www.lib.nitech.ac.jp/ (WEBSITE)
来館利用担当: 情報サービス係
電話番号: 052-735-5100 FAX: 052-735-5102
開館日・開館時間: ホームページでご確認ください
注意事項: ホームページの利用案内を事前にご確認のうえ来館ください
注意事項: 車での来館はご遠慮ください
閲覧手続き: 受付で学外者利用申込書に記入のうえ入館できます
複写時間: コイン式コピー機は8:45-閉館5分前
館外貸出: 可(貸出を希望する場合は、氏名、住所、生年月日、本人写真が確認できる証明書が必要。利用証の発行受付は閉館30分前まで)
閲覧注記: 研究室所在の資料は利用対象外となります
休館日: 休業期間中の土日祝日・夏季一斉閉庁・本学記念日(11/1)・年末年始(12/29-1/3)・大学入学共通テスト、個別学力検査
ILL-Staff: M, Emoto
ILL-Dept: Service Section
ILL-Org: Nagoya Institute of Technology Library
ILL-Address: Gokiso-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya, Japan
ILL-Zip: 466-8555
ILL-Commun1: Tel:+81-52-735-5101 / Fax:+81-52-735-5102 / E-mail:library.sanko at adm.nitech.ac.jp
ILL-Commun2: OPAC:https://opac.lib.nitech.ac.jp/opc/
Saturdays, Sundays and national holiday during vacation periods, Mid-summer holidays, Foundation Day(Nov 1), Dec 29-Jan 3, The Common Test for University Admissions, Entrance examination.
ILL-Accept: LOAN (Yes) / International: LOAN Traceable courier with insurance Only / International: COPY (Yes) / International: COPY Traceable courier with insurance Only
ILL-Accept-method: International: E-mail
ILL-Payment-method: International: Bank Transaction Only
ILL-Loan-Period: 6 week per item.
ILL-Loan-Item-Max: 5
ILL-Loan-Renew: N/A
ILL-Loan-Charge: Postage only
ILL-LoanDelivery-method: Tracked system / No rush service available.
ILL-Non-Circulation-items: Reference materials, Journal issues, Newspapers, DVDs, Thesis, dissertation
ILL-Copy-Charge: 40 JPY for monochrome printing / 80 JPY for color printing per sheet & Postage
ILL-Copy-Delivery-method: via Airmail, Express Mail Service
ILL-Note: Only the items held at the Library are available.
ILL-Note: dissertation: COPY: author's permission required to copy more than half of all pages
------------ Lending Policy for International Libraries ------------
ILL-Staff:International:YAGISAWA Chihiro
ILL-Dept: User Support Section
ILL-Org:Kyoto University Library
ILL-Address:Yoshida Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan
ILL-Contact1:Tel:+81-75-753-2638 / Fax:+81-75-753-2650 / E-mail:sogo660mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp
ILL-Contact2:Online catalogue:https://kuline.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/?lang=english / / Website:https://www.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/mainlib/en/
ILL-Accept:Calender: Closed: Dec29-Jan3, Jun18
ILL-Accept:International: LOAN: Yes(Traceable courier with insurance only)
ILL-Accept:International: COPY: Yes
ILL-Payment-method:International:IFLA Voucher ONLY
ILL-Loan-Period:International:6 weeks per item
ILL-Loan-Item-Max:3 volumes per library / 3 volumes per one order
ILL-Loan-Renewal:one time / 2 weeks
ILL-Loan-Charge:Borrowing libraries should pay the postage costs of both borrowing materials from and returning them to us by registered mail.
ILL-Loan-Delivery-method:Tracked system
ILL-Non-Circulation-items:Rare and precious materials, old Japanese books, large-sized books, maps, reference books, periodicals, Books in deteriorated condition, microfilms, microfiches, books published before 1900
ILL-Copy-Charge:40 JPY per sheet [per exposure] and Postage
ILL-Copy-Delivery-method:Airmail, E-mail