
115 Pins
Hello Princeling, Hello Witchling
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While I live will I praise the LORD: I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being.✨ Psalm 146:3 .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ ..⁠ .⁠ .⁠ ..⁠ #biblejournalinglife #bibleartjounal #faithart #christiancreatives #illustratedfaithcommunity #christiancreativecommunity #christianwomen #christianquotes #womenoffaith #christiangirls #graceupongrace #shespeakstruth #biblejournaling #womenintheword #daughtersofdelight #christiancreative #followerofchrist #prochurchmedia
Planner Stickers - Sick Day
Are you a scrapbooker, card maker, or planner? Our planner stickers are perfect for you! Take your crafting and planning to the next level with these adorable stickers. Each sticker sheet is approximately 4” x 6” or an A6 size. We design our stickers for maximum readability while still being able to fit as many stickers as possible on your sheet. Our sticker paper has a matte finish, and stickers are repositionable, so you won’t have to worry about oopsies or cancellations. Are you looking for something personalized or custom? We do that! Email and we will make it happen. Our customized sticker prices start at $6 for the first sheet and then our standard sticker sheet pricing for each additional sheet order of that design.