
126 Pins
make your own alphabet magnets {diy letter board}
make your own alphabet magnets {diy letter board} - The Handmade Home
Straw Weaving Bracelets
Straw Weaving -- weaving craft This year one of the Girl Scout camp crafts involved soda straw weaving to make bracelets. It was a huge hit with all the girls.
Butterfly Finger Knitting How To - Red Ted Art - Kids Crafts
Learn how to finger knit and then make a finger knitting butterfly! Finger knitting is great for dexterity, fine motor skills & concentration.
Yarn-Mache Decorative Containers
Difficulty: Easy Ever wondered what to do with all those yarn scraps that accumulate from various projects—too short to do anything with, but too long to throw away? Here is a creative solution: yarn-maché. An adult will have to make the paste, but the rest of the activity is a great sensory experience for kids. We used a bowl for a mold in order to create a decorative basket, but as with paper-maché, you can use a variety of objects as molds, including balloons. The results will be colorful and unique! To prepare, make a paste as you would for paper-maché: • 1/4 cup cornstarch • 1/4 cup cold water • 1 cup hot water Mix starch with cold water to make a smooth paste. Add hot water, stirring constantly, cook until it thickens, and remove from heat. Cool before using. To create yar