
843 Pins
Grey Blending with Highlights!✨
Featuring our #BTCxJoicoPartner Sarah Cabral (@sarahzstylz). “Grey Blending with Highlights!✨ ✨Today I did a Full Lived-in Foil for grey blending.” @‌sarahzstylz #Joico Formula: Formula 1 (Lightener): Blonde Life Lightening Powder with 20 Volume Blonde Life Coconut Oil Developer #JoicoBlondeLife Formula 2 (Root Smudge): LumiShine Demi-Permanent DD Crème Color 6NA + 8NA (equal parts) with 5 Volume LumiShine Developer #JoicoLumiShine Formula 3 (Glaze): LumiShine Demi-Permanent Liquid Color 10VG with 5 Volume LumiShine Developer ✨Featuring✨ ♡ Defy Damage KBOND20 Power Masque #JoicoDefyDamage #Joico #JoicoKBOND20 #UnbreakableBonds