
124 Pins
Gallery of Herzog & de Meuron's M+ Museum Photographed Through the Lens of Kris Provoost - 13
Gallery of Herzog & de Meuron's M+ Museum Photographed Through the Lens of Kris Provoost - 13
Sivak + Partners Sweetens Up a Historic Building for an Odessa Ice Cream Shop - Interior Design
Sivak + Partners Sweetens Up a Historic Building for an Odessa Ice Cream Shop - Interior Design
didier faustino mixes marble + steel within the enfants riches déprimés boutique in paris
didier faustino mixes marble + steel within the enfants riches déprimés boutique in paris
Armchair Design
Questa immagine incarna l'essenza del minimalismo contemporaneo. La poltrona verde, posizionata su un tappeto dello stesso colore, crea un'impressione di armonia e continuità visiva, mentre il contrasto con la parete in acciaio aggiunge un tocco di modernità e struttura all'ambiente. Ogni elemento è essenziale e ben definito, creando uno spazio dove la semplicità e la funzionalità si fondono in modo raffinato. #Minimalismo #ArredamentoContemporaneo #PoltronaVerde #TappetoVerde #PareteInAcciaio #DesignInteriore #ArredamentoMinimalista #minimalism #ContemporaryDecor #GreenArmchair #GreenCarpet #SteelWall #InteriorDesign #MinimalistDecor
Cobra Studios Transforms an Art Deco Building Into the Coolest Meeting Rooms Ever - Sight Unseen
Cobra Studios Transforms an Art Deco Building Into the Coolest Meeting Rooms Ever - Sight Unseen
Vignobles Austruy showroom – Pierre Yovanovitch
In September 2019, Philippe Austruy commissioned Pierre Yovanovitch to design a storefront and tasting venue in Paris for his wine brand, Vignobles Austruy.
Carmody Groarke creates corrugated aluminium ticket pavilion for Hamburg's Mehr! Theater
Carmody Groarke creates aluminium ticket pavilion for Mehr! Theater
Subverting shopping at Subtype by Noise Noise Noise | IndesignLive
Subverting shopping at Subtype by Noise Noise Noise | Indesignlive. Photo by Arnaud Domange. #retaildesign #metal #interiordesign #streetculture