Bible Fun

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Ecclesiastes represents the painful autobiography of Solomon...
Ecclesiastes represents the painful autobiography of Solomon who, for much of his life, squandered God’s blessings on his own personal pleasure rather than God’s glory. He wrote to warn subsequent generations not to make the same tragic error. ...the only fulfilled life is one lived in proper recognition of God and service to Him. Any other kind of life is frustrating and pointless. Did you know... "vanity" is used 38 times expressing the many things hard to understand about life.
31 Bible verses that we pray will give you a renewed sense of hope, wonder, and faith in 2025
For those of us that need fresh faith in the new year, there’s no better place to start than the Bible; God's Word. Here are 31 Bible verses that we pray will give you a renewed sense of hope, wonder, and faith in 2025.
This month, we wanted to share 31 daily Scriptures to draw you nearer to the reason of this holiday
This month, we wanted to share 31 daily Scriptures to draw you nearer to the reason of this holiday season, Jesus Christ 🙏
There is internal and external evidence that Ezra and Nehemiah were originally one book. 🤯
There is internal and external evidence that Ezra and Nehemiah were originally one book. 🤯 Dive into the book of Nehemiah here:
Ezra was a scribe who had access to the myriad of administrative documents found in Ezra...
“For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel.” — Ezra 7:10 (NIV) 🔎 Did you know?... Ezra was a scribe who had access to the myriad of administrative documents found in Ezra and Nehemiah, especially those in the book of Ezra.
Learn more about the book of 2 Chronicles and why it matters
2 Chronicles begins with Solomon and covers the same historical period as 1 and 2 Kings, while focusing exclusively on the kings of Judah, excluding the history of the northern kingdom, because of their complete wickedness and false worship. Did you know...Over 55 percent of the material in Chronicles is unique, not found in 2 Samuel or 1 and 2 Kings!
Dive into the book of 1 Chronicles
Written for the exiles who had returned to rebuild Jerusalem under Ezra and Nehemiah. Traces the genealogy and interpreted the history of God’s people. 1 Chronicles is a reminder to the returned exiles of their spiritual heritage during the difficult times they faced, and to encourage them to be faithful to God.
Consider this... the events of David’s life recorded in 2 Samuel foreshadow the actions of David’s
2 Samuel continues the story of Israel as they transitioned from the time of the judges to the monarchy, beginning with the death of King Saul and David’s ascension to the throne. Consider this... the events of David’s life recorded in 2 Samuel foreshadow the actions of David’s greater Son (Christ) in the future.
Consider this when reading the book of 1 Samuel in the Bible
The people refuse to listen to God and make the rough transition from the time of the judges to the reign of Saul, whom God calls Samuel to anoint as Israel’s first earthly king. Consider this when reading the book of 1 Samuel: The books of 1 and 2 Samuel span about 135 years of history. During those years, Israel was transformed from a loosely knit group of tribes under judges to a united nation under the reign of a centralized monarchy.
Consider this when reading the book of Ruth...
Set during the time of the Judges, Ruth portrays the promise of a life far beyond our expectations. As you read, take note of the themes of faithful love and redemption that prevail as events unfold for an Israelite family. Consider this when reading the book of Ruth: Ruth arrived in Bethlehem as a foreigner, became a maidservant, married Boaz, and was included in the physical lineage of Christ.
October 31 declarations of God's Word
This month, we wanted to share 31 declarations of God's Word you can use to speak over your life. 🙏 Begin each day declaring God's truth and then repeat it throughout the day. As you declare these truths they will be established in your life.
Consider this when reading the book of Joshua..
Joshua describes the possession of the land, but the focus is the fulfillment of God’s promises. The land Israel receives is a good and fertile land, but more importantly, a promised land. Consider this when reading the book of Joshua.. Joshua was born in Egyptian slavery, trained under Moses, and by God’s choice rose to his key position of leading Israel into Canaan.
What is the book of Numbers about?
Numbers commences with God commissioning Moses at the tabernacle of meeting to take a census in preparation for war against Israel’s enemies. Due to lack of trust in God, Israel did not want to engage its enemies militarily in order to claim the Promised Land. After forty additional years in the wilderness for their rebellion, Israel arrived on the plains of Moab.
Something to consider from the book of Exodus...
Exodus means “departure” in Greek and Latin, and describes the Israelites’’ journey from slavery in Egypt to the Promised Land. 📖 Yet Exodus is not merely a journey of time and distance but also a journey of the heart, as a holy God prepares his chosen people to live the life he offers in the land he has provided. Something to consider from the book of Exodus ➡️ Without the exodus, we would not be who we are — redeemed people delivered by the God of Israel.
Have you ever wondered how the Bible got its chapters and verses?
Have you ever wondered how the Bible got its chapters and verses? 🤔 These divisions are so ingrained in how we read and reference the Bible today, many people don’t realize that they weren’t part of the original texts. We've created a blog post that runs through a quick history of how Bible chapters and verses came to be. Check out fun facts and trivia about them — including why they’re so hard to count (hint: it’s not just because there are thousands of them)!