Brendan Murphy's articles based on material from The Grand Illusion - Book 1

Excerpts and articles based on The Grand Illusion Book/s Subjects covered include: Consciousness Paranormal Holographic Universe Siddhis / Superpowers (telepathy, psychokinesis, remote viewing, etc.) Parapsychology Human Aura / Bioplasma Torsion fields Science
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Time and Torsion in a Conscious, Holographic Universe | Wake Up World
Time and Torsion in a Conscious, Holographic Universe
Who Thinks Your Thoughts? | Wake Up World
We impose our “shoulds” on what we perceive as “the world out there”, and then when it fails to live up to our arbitrary and abstract standards, we pout, mope, grumble and complain that it “should” have been different. Rather than tweaking our perception, we demand that the thing we perceive should tweak itself!
How to Develop Your Unseen Powers
Have you ever noticed how closed-minded skeptics (CMS) rarely if ever have any experiences with the siddhis (psychic faculties) or “the paranormal” in general? Soviet research into psychokinesis involving Nina Kulagina demonstrated qualitatively that a skeptic’s mere presence does have an effect on a psychic’s ability to function properly.
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Today we know that by using correct light and sound frequencies—as well as words—we can activate some of our mobile DNA to “re-code” certain...
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Freely downloadable ARTICLES by Brendan based on The Grand Illusion - in PDF format
David Icke: The Vibrational Change
Sound familiar? The hologram’s ability to store and process massive amounts of data is essentially due to the properties of light, which, in...
DNA Monthly (Vol. 16, No. 6)
DNA Monthly (Vol. 10, No. 1) | Phoenix Center for Regenetics
Developing Your Unseen Powers: A Practical Guide
Have you ever noticed how closed-minded sceptics (CMS) rarely if ever have any experiences with the siddhis (psychic faculties) or “the paranormal” in general? Soviet research into psychokinesis involving Nina Kulagina demonstrated qualitatively that a sceptic’s mere presence has an effect on a psychic’s ability to function properly. Hence, with a CMS (or several) in the room or otherwise involved in the experiment, a psychic is more likely to “fail,” thus “proving” the CMS right...
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This is a bizarre notion—does the past still exist right now in the infrared frequencies of the EM spectrum? Relativistic physics says the past still exists in the space we occupy, as does occult doctrine, while it is known that informational torsion fields can linger virtually indefinitely, coupling with EM energies which then leave a detectable imprint of the past in space (Poponin and Gariaev’s experiments on the DNA “phantom” [see Chapter 13 of TGI 1] speak directly to this concept).
Brendan is a powerhouse researcher and I love the way he presents both scientific and occult information for all to understand. Brendan clearly understands the quantum world, and endeavours to share his research and findings to transform the lives of those with an open mind. Here is one of Brendan’s articles on the subject of junk DNA, an area that conventional science loves to ignore…
The Subjectivity of Experience & the Futility of Skepticism
Right now, you have some sense of being present in your body looking out at the world. But according to what we know from physics, this is a...
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The emergence of energy psychology (EP), including methods such as EFT (emotional freedom techniques), TFT (thought field therapy), Psyche-K...