tuff tray

148 Pins
Love Potions 💕 - Valentine’s Day inspired - Water play - Colour mixing - Creative and imaginative play ❤️ Potion base is created using water mixed with pink paint and glitter ❤️ Red and white paint mixed with water in the beakers ❤️ Love heart confetti and fake rose petals in containers and used as decorations #tufftray #tufftrayideas #tufftrayactivities #tufftrayinspiration #tufftrayplay #tufftrayfun #tuffspot #tuffspotideas #playtray #playtrayideas #sensoryplay #waterplay #eyfs #ea...
10+ Painting Tuff Tray Ideas for Toddlers and Preschoolers : Fun and Easy Activities
Painting Tuff Tray Ideas for Toddlers and Preschoolers : Fun and Easy Activities -
Investigation EYFS Tuff Tray Ideas
Investigation is all part of understanding the world! Explore different concepts, combining materials and much more this science day with children. Tuff tray ideas for children! Special thanks to Lesley Sellers and Echoes Day Nursery
Explore the magic of weather with Tuff Tray Activity - "Stir Up a Storm" #sensoryplay #earlylearningfun #tufftrayideas #handsonlearning #stemforkids #preschoolactivities #weathertheme #playtolearn #engageandexplore #learningthroughplay #teacherinspiration #kidsactivityideas #educationalplay #creativelearning