Transition and Procedure Songs

37 Pins
I made up this song years ago, for my pre k class to help walk them through the handwashing process as they were washing. I finally created a photo list to go with my song! Feel free to print and use in your classrooms! Please keep my attribution on the print.
No Interrupting Song - Music for Classroom Management
No Interrupting Song - i'll be singing this all day.
10 Preschool Transitions
10 Preschool Transitions– Songs and Chants to Help Your Day Run Smoothly
10 Preschool Transitions
10 Preschool Transitions-- Songs and Chants to Help Your Day Run Smoothly…
10 Preschool Transitions
10 Preschool Transitions– Songs and Chants to Help Your Day Run Smoothly
10 Preschool Transitions
10 Preschool Transitions– Songs and Chants to Help Your Day Run Smoothly
owl classroom theme | Owl Theme Hallway Chants And Songs Book Rachelle Rosenblit…