The good life

The good life is something that is achievable through Christ. In my opinion, the good life is joy surrounding all area of your being and being one with the Lord. It is hard to achieve this because of all the curveballs that the world throws your way, but as one of my pins said “When you are in deep water, trust the one who walked on it.” This is an example of how to realize that those challenges aren’t there to break you and push you from God, they are meant to strengthen you and teach you. The good life isn’t perfection, but it is joy and peace. I have three pins that exemplify what I perceive to be the good life. I have a pin that represents the good life in a beautiful way, it is a picture of a mother and father with a newborn on their lap. Looking at the baby is enough to make one feel as though that would be the good life. The gift of a child brings much joy and immense love, a good life consists of both of these qualities. Good life, an abstract goal that one aspires toward and can be achieved through a united family that follows the will of the Lord. The second pin that beautifully displays the good life is a quote by Russell Ballard. The quote states “As you draw nearer to the Lord, He will guide you to become the best version of yourself.” This idea that the as you grow in your faith, you become who God created you to be. It reminds me of a flower, the more you water it and tend to it the more beautiful it becomes. The good life in this instance would be us becoming beautiful flowers and being the best version of ourselves. When we are at are our best, we are at our happiest because to be as God intended creates a peace that cannot be explained. The good life involves being the best version of ourselves, as God wanted us to be. The last pin that provides proof of the possibility of a good life is the picture where the little girl is laughing and skipping through the rain. This is a symbol of the good life because it displays childlike joy that is evident when one is truly living a good life. The purity of the little girl shows the purity of mind and soul that is equated with living a good life. The umbrella shielding the girl from the rain is like God protecting us from the downpour of sin that falls around us. That is truly the good life, God protecting us and providing us with pure joy. There are infinite ways to describe the good life, but simply put it is living joyfully with the Lord and living each day in the way God intended. To live the good life we must surrender our lives to the Father, no good can come from our lives without the Lord. Faith is the foundation of a good life, this kind of life is something to aspire towards and a goal one must leap into the unknown to achieve. I hope I live the good life each and everyday to not seize, this is the one thing that will make my life whole and meaningful.
51 Pins
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As you draw nearer to the Lord, He will guide you to become the best version of yourself. - M. Russell Ballard
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