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21 Pins
Ornamental Grass Seed - Stipa Tenuissima Pony Tails Seeds
Ornamental Grass Seed - Stipa Tenuissima Pony Tails
Blue Fescue Grass Festuca glauca Beyond Blue from Growing Colors
Festuca glauca (Blue Fescue Grass) Beyond Blue - Intense powder blue that holds…
Carex-Frosted-Curls-Carex-Comans-Bronze-Carex-testacea-Carex-elata-aurea-0807h642.jpg | Jason Smalley
Carex Frosted Curls, Carex Comans Bronze, Carex testacea and Carex elata aurea
Carex Seeds - Frosted Curls Ornamental Grass Seed
Carex (Carex comans Frosted Curls) - Commonly called New Zealand Hair Sedge, this little dwarf sedge only reaches 12 inches in height.
Stipa Tenuissima - The beautiful evergreen feather grasses (Stipa tenuissima) stimulate through vision; sound and feel. They are a wonderful base to plant more structural plants through such as Alliums; Crocosmia and Agapanthus
Westringiafruticosa.jpg | Houzz
Secret Gardens of Sydney The plants are Westringia fruticosa on the left and Santolina chamaecyparissus on the right
Grey santolina, or cotton lavender, is a wonderful plant for your flower beds. It's naturally dome shaped, and takes readily to shearing, if you would prefer a perfect sphere or a pyramid or what have you. It blooms with small yellow flowers that should be removed immediately after blooming or the plant will get scraggly. This also comes in an emerald green form--you can plant the two together for a checkerboard effect. It's great!
Grey santolina, or cotton lavender, is a wonderful plant for your flower beds. It's naturally dome shaped, and takes readily to shearing, if you would prefer a perfect sphere or a pyramid or what have you. It blooms with small yellow flowers that should be removed immediately after blooming or the plant will get scraggly. This also comes in an emerald green form--you can plant the two together for a checkerboard effect. It's great!
Botanical Dry Garden e la topiaria contemporanea | Italian Botanical Trips
Mirtus communis, Eleagnus ebbingei, Teucrium fruticans, Pistacia lentiscus, Atriplex halimus, Ceanothus ‘Concha’ (mai lo avrei ritenuto possibile), Pyracantha ‘Navaho’, Leucophyllum frutescensLa foto che vedete, postata da Luca Agostini, del vivaio Mates Piante, a Grosseto, e da me subito rubata, mi ha offerto l’occasione di parlare sia del suo meravigliso giardino dimostrativo annesso al vivaio, il Botanical Dry Garden (guardate il…
How Green Nursery LTD on Instagram: “We have another alternative to Buxus in stock - these lovely Osmanthus burkwoodii balls. This evergreen will take full sun or part shade…”