
220 Pins
Tarragon: How To Plant, Grow, And Harvest Tarragon | Herb Gardens | Planet Natural
Home herb gardeners are growing tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) to accompany many egg, fish and poultry dishes. Its delightful licorice-like flavor is also used to infuse white wine vinegar and works well when added to sauces, soups and salad dressings. Leaves can be used dried or frozen, but the fresh herb is best for aroma and flavor. #harvesttarragon #gardens #organicgardens #herbgardens #planetnatural
Growing Strawberries for Beginners
Learning how to grow strawberries is easier than you think! Even if you're a beginner, you can be growing strawberries this year! Let me show you the tips and tricks you need for a great year of growing your own fresh strawberries! #strawberries #howtogrowstrawberries #easygardening #beginnergardening #containergardening #balconygardening
How to Grow Potatoes in Bags, Containers and Small Spaces
Did you know how to Grow Potatoes in Bags, Containers and Small Spaces? Quite possibly you didn’t even realize you could! I’m here to tell you indeed you can, and I’m gonna show you how in a few easy peasy steps! #growpotatoes #howtogrow #potatoes #growbags
How to Save Seeds
Learning how to save seeds gives you a nearly continuous supply of seeds that are adapted to your area at little or no cost.
How to Freeze-Dry Herbs: A Step-by-Step Guide
Don't let your herbs go to waste. Instead freeze-dry herbs to preserve the flavor and quality. Learn how to freeze-dry herbs with these tips.
How To Get Rid Of Fungus Gnats In Plants (Indoors & Outside) | Grow Hot Peppers
Seeing tiny black flies on your plants? These fungus gnats are not only annoying, but their larvae can do some damage. Here’s how to organically get rid of the adults and larvae. (And, be sure to download your free pests & disease cheat sheets for even more help!)
7 Plants That Repel Flies Naturally!
7 Herbs that Repel Flies
What Vegetables Can Grow In 6 Inches Of Soil | Slick Garden
What Vegetables Can Grow In 6 Inches Of Soil | Slick Garden. If you are facing the problem of limited space then you can grow your vegetables in shallow containers. Place your containers or pots in the right where they get full sun exposure.