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Quick Language Visuals ~ Speech Therapy Functional Decor for Teaching Concepts
All of these visuals were designed to go with one of my existing products. I had a request to put them all together in one easy to download and use resource (none of these are new, many of them come from my Real Photo Language Series. Even if you own one or two of the resources that have similar visuals, this pack is unique in the presentation and size of the visuals. This is ideal for you if you ONLY want the visuals and not all of the picture cards and practice pages. I designed these for elementary aged students (can be used with middle school depending on skill level needed, these are basic). You can cut these a part and put them on a ring for a quick and easy visual solution. I laminate them as full pages back to back and keep them in my daily notebook to pull out when I need them. Wh
Sentence Building for Speech Therapy
Love this building sentences activity for my nonverbal students with autism! Very easy to print and put together as a physical and interactive resource. My student absolutely loved moving the pieces to build the sentences. I also found it really great to use the small pieces to sort colors before we started building sentences. This helped my student to remember the color names and build sentences accurately. #sped #autism #sentencebuilding
Everything You Need to Know About AAC in Speech and Language Therapy
If you have speech therapy students who use AAC tools or system, it’s essential that they have access to their AAC tools and systems in ALL settings including speech therapy sessions. These devices help support communication and can help students reach their speech and language therapy goals. But how do you address AAC goals in speech and language therapy? What type of goals are best for students with AAC devices. Here are 14 speech and language goals that incorporate AAC devices and systems.
Using High Frequency Words in Articulation Therapy
Using high frequency words is one of the most effective strategies you can use as an SLP in articulation therapy. By using high frequency words in articulation therapy, I can keep articulation therapy sessions simple, drill based, and effective while also maximizing the number of correct productions my students can make. Learn how to use high frequency words in articulation therapy and my favorite no-prep high frequency articulation printables here.
How to Use ChatGPT for Speech Therapy 194
I’ll be honest. I’m a little scared of AI. It still feels like something out of movies to me. Even though I’m not exactly thrilled about it, I can acknowledge that it’s definitely here to stay. New technology can be overwhelming. I’ve been playing around with ChatGPT for about 6 months now learning how to make it work for me. I hope this post has inspired you to test out ChatGPT if you haven’t already! If you have tried ChatGPT, maybe you now have some new ideas. If you use ChatGPT in a way that
Gestalt Language Processing 1 Page Handouts
3 1-page Gestalt Language Processing Handouts!BONUS FILE INCLUDED!Gestalt Language Processing VS. Analytical Language ProcessingCommunicative FunctionsSTAGES of Natual Language Acquisitionand MORE!Use these to further your understanding of GLPGive to Parents & Teachers
Connect 4 Articulation
Connect 4 Articulation is a resource that helps include high articulation trials in already fun and competitive games of Connect 4! This resource is great for mixed groups, individual sessions, or home practice activities for families, and can be used to target specific speech sounds or tailor it to specific things your client wants/needs to work on! The following sounds are included within this resource:Mixed- /K, G, F, V, L, S, Z, SH, CH, TH, R, R-Blends/ as well as a blank game board to customize. The resource also includes word lists for corresponding pictures and target sounds.
A Book and a Game a Day Challenge: Printable Cards — Kim Rankin
NO-PREP Daily Life Skills Practice *12 MONTH BUNDLE* for Special Education
NO-PREP Daily Life Skills Practice *12 MONTH BUNDLE* for Special Education