160 Pins
Chef Colo | Christopher Santiago Figueroa on Instagram: "🎄🥥Salted Caramel Coquito🥥🎄 🇵🇷Coquito de Caramelo Salado🇵🇷 La navidad llegó y qué mejor manera que disfrutar los momentos más dulces con Dulce Caña. Aquí te enseño una de las mejores recetas de coquito. Primero te enseño a hacer un caramelo, el cual puedes usar para otras preparaciones. Cual sea el postre de navidad, que si el arroz con dulce, el tembleque... Recuerda que Dulce Caña tiene una variedad para el disfrute de todos en la familia.😉 @dulcecana #DulceCañaPartner #AD #MuestraTuLadoMasDulce #DulceNavidad Ingredientes: . Para la salsa de caramelo: 1 taza azúcar morena Dulce Caña 6 cucharadas mantequilla (sin sal y NO margarina) ½ taza de leche 1 cucharadita sal Para el coquito: 1 taza caramelo salado 1 lata
13K views · 424 reactions | My PR uncle’s Coquito Ingredients: Coconut milk Coconut cream Evaporated milk Condensed milk Cinnamon Vanilla This has been my all time favorite holiday drink. My uncle showed me this recipes years ago and ever since I make it a tradition to make every holiday. If you haven’t already it’s a must! @cruzanrum #coquito #coquitoseason #elpasofoodies #holidaydrinks | Huevonalife
13K views · 424 reactions | My PR uncle’s Coquito Ingredients: Coconut milk Coconut cream Evaporated milk Condensed milk Cinnamon Vanilla This has been my all time favorite holiday drink. My uncle showed me this recipes years ago and ever since I make it a tradition to make every holiday. If you haven’t already it’s a must! @cruzanrum #coquito #coquitoseason #elpasofoodies #holidaydrinks | Huevonalife
Toni Chapman on Instagram: "My coquito is incredible. 🇵🇷If you’re looking for a recipe to follow- it’s this one. A few things about coquito, 1. Puerto Rican rum is mandatory. I like to use Don Q. 2. Less is more. Don’t get overly exotic. Stick to the basics and follow my measurements. 3. Make enough to give. You can double or triple this recipe. One batch makes (2) 750ml bottles. It’s an amazing holiday gift. This coquito is easy to make, and easy to DRINK! It’s smooth, but has that little *oomph* to sneak up on you. #coquito #puertorico"
COQUITO DE GUAYABA | COQUITO DE GUAYABA Otra alternativa fácil, rápida y sencilla peroooo con mucho saborrrrr 🇵🇷👨🏽‍🍳🇵🇷👨🏽‍🍳🇵🇷👨🏽‍🍳🇵🇷 PD: Si les queda muy espeso pueden usar... | By Aquí se come K-Liente | Facebook
COQUITO DE GUAYABA | COQUITO DE GUAYABA Otra alternativa fácil, rápida y sencilla peroooo con mucho saborrrrr 🇵🇷👨🏽‍🍳🇵🇷👨🏽‍🍳🇵🇷👨🏽‍🍳🇵🇷 PD: Si les queda muy espeso pueden usar... | By Aquí se come K-Liente | Facebook
114K views · 4.6K reactions | ¿Cómo hacer coquito? 🤷🏽‍♂️ Boricuita nos enseña una receta fácil y rápida de coquito puertorriqueño. 😋 #elboricuaesotracosa #gabyalicea #comedia... | By Gaby Alicea | Greetings to all the papillos and mommy I who see me as you can see today we are going to make one of the most delicious recipes of all the delicacies we have in Puerto Rico this is one of the delicious things we have in the Christmas season coquito is all of you are the ingredients we will be using to create the famous recipes of Boricua coquito because if you are Boricua daddy and you have not tried coquito I want to tell you that you are a Boricua of cardboard and if you know how to make coquito daddy I there you c where did you hear because it is not only boricua you the coquito but you know how to make coquito to make coquito we need these ingredients, look what cute thing, look, we need coconut milk boricuita brand of course ehh we also need the cream a de coco these are like a marriage, see the milk coconut and coconut cream, here we have condensed milk daddy me, condensed milk and we have here evaporated milk, this is another marriage, condensed milk, and evaporated milk we also have here cinnamon that can not miss because the cane Lita gives you a little touch look too we have here vanilla the vanilla brand boricuita and also have nutmeg daddy me because this gives you a touch chuching good look also and obviously we will not prepare this delight and we will throw it in a cup or a pot not that you have to put it look in a little bottle so cool look how it is here dressed daddy I let you see the final product daddy I so you see how this is going to be we are ready to mix it here. Other parts of the world it's called the blender but that's pretty ugly. In Puerto Rico no matter the brand this is known as the and as it is already presented because the presented will be your entry and we will mix these ingredients to make the delicious coquito check out this important daddy vanilla goes let's give it one Little spoon and now the party begins now we are ready to pop it in the bottle. This cutest little bottle with Christmas motif did you hear daddy? We put the funnel so we do not get out of the bottle and stay everything inside the bottle and if we do not make a and now look with lots of love and patience we will remove the osteiser from the middle remove the lid smells up to rich and everything. It smells even rich because this one is also used to make sofrito and it has like a mix but prettier and richer. Let's go this way. It's already in there. The coquito, look what a beautiful thing. We put this on and down here and we ready. Look at all we did daddy yo. And we left only one bottle but look at all the hard cheese here because we can give this to neighbors, friends, we can make a business of this in the coquito too. And this coquito, as you can see, I didn't throw it home. Because a lot of people like it with home. Hey I made it a virgin what they call the virgin coquito without the home. The one who likes to show off but look with discretion because taking care, you have to take care of yourself. But this coquito we are ready to put it in the fridge and when it gets well fried, well fried, daddy I put it in the system. I hope you liked this recipe of Boricua coquito and we'll see you in another recipe. If you're Puerto Rican, learn how to make coquito, daddy yo.
114K views · 4.6K reactions | ¿Cómo hacer coquito? 🤷🏽‍♂️ Boricuita nos enseña una receta fácil y rápida de coquito puertorriqueño. 😋 #elboricuaesotracosa #gabyalicea #comedia... | By Gaby Alicea | Greetings to all the papillos and mommy I who see me as you can see today we are going to make one of the most delicious recipes of all the delicacies we have in Puerto Rico this is one of the delicious things we have in the Christmas season coquito is all of you are the ingredients we will be using to create the famous recipes of Boricua coquito because if you are Boricua daddy and you have not tried coquito I want to tell you that you are a Boricua of cardboard and if you know how to make coquito daddy I there you c where did you hear because it is not only boricua you the coquito but yo
La Cocina Criolla - **Coquito de Nutella** Ingredientes: 1 taza de Nutella 1 pote de leche de coco 1 pote de crema de coco 2 pote de leche evaporada 2 pote de leche condensada 2 cdita de vainilla 1 cdita de canela 1 pizca de sal 2 taza de ron de su gusto Procedimiento: Ir mezclando todos los ingredientes poco a poco en una licuadora y verifica de sabor por si le falta algo de Nutella y luego echar la mezcla en botellas. Lleva a la nevera y sírvelo bien frío. Enjoy!! "La Cocina Criolla" Recuerda que cada cual la modifica a su gusto... Wepaa!!! | Facebook
La Cocina Criolla - **Coquito de Nutella** Ingredientes: 1 taza de Nutella 1 pote de leche de coco 1 pote de crema de coco 2 pote de leche evaporada 2 pote de leche condensada 2 cdita de vainilla 1 cdita de canela 1 pizca de sal 2 taza de ron de su gusto Procedimiento: Ir mezclando todos los ingredientes poco a poco en una licuadora y verifica de sabor por si le falta algo de Nutella y luego echar la mezcla en botellas. Lleva a la nevera y sírvelo bien frío. Enjoy!! "La Cocina Criolla" Recuerda que cada cual la modifica a su gusto... Wepaa!!! | Facebook
Making My Mom’s FAMOUS Coquito | #ad The holidays are just around the corner which means… time to make my fav Puerto Rican drink, coquito, with mommy! Go to | By All Things Adrienne | Mom makes the best coquito on the planet. A Puerto Rican eggnot which just contains a lot of milk, cinnamon, rum, lots of rum. Nice. Exactly. Mommy makes it really strong generally. What's up you guys? So I have been spending so much time here in LA. Obviously working a lot. But I gotta be honest I am super homesick. I don't know about you but as soon as it starts getting a little bit chilly and they start adding pumpkin spice to everything I start craving something home cooked. So I am heading back to New York to have my mom show you how to make the most incredible, the absolute most delicious winter treat. Thank you to Ancestry for sponsoring this video. So the real ones know exactly what I'm talking about it is literally the best winter drink ever and it is Coquito hey yes okay so mom I know it's a little early to start craving it it's never too early that's that's that's the Puerto Rican in me isn't it yes it is exactly so mom I actually love that you've got this earrings on can I see your earrings I am representing my heritage there. There you go. That's right. The Cultura. Yes. Well speaking of Puerto Rican heritage you guys remember how we worked with ancestry and found out a ton about our family history. Ma, did you see all the new discoveries from Ancestry? I did not. When my mom and dad started wanting to find out more about our family history, my sister and I knew that ancestry would have the answers we were looking for. Okay mommy, so last time we found out hardworking my great grandmother was and that she was born in Puerto Rico but the question is do you know about your great grandparents I do not I know nothing about them oh well you're about to find out are you going to make me cry again prepare yourself okay mom so get this your great grandparents Valentine Cardona Ivera and Margarita Rivera Cruz all the way back in 1910 were the parents of seven children two boys and girls and Valentine is listed as being a fine coffee farmer. Did you know this? I didn't, I knew he was a farmer. However, I did not know it was coffee. I thought it was Candules. But let me just tell you mom, that makes sense for why you have such a refined taste for coffee. Mommy is the ultimate coffee drinker. She loves coffee. It clearly runs in her blood. Yes. How wild is that? Because I didn't grow up with my dad, I really didn't know that much about his pear or his grandparents. It's never too late to learn about your history, about where you come from. It's so important and I'm happy that at least you guys are learning now and now you'll be able to pass that on to my grandchildren. So I'm blessed. I am. I'm really. We come from some bomb boricuas in Puerto Rico who are out there making some bomb coffee. So mommy Valentine and Margarita have a daughter Rivera who marries Evari and they have your father. Wow. I know. Isn't that so mom check your inbox right now because I actually sent you a bunch of info. Wow. So it says that was a private first plot in the Marines 1953. The year you were born. Yes. And he's listed in the must roll or the roll call. Mom isn't that so weird because that's literally the year that you were born when I saw that I'm like 1953 like that. You now know exactly what he doing when you were born? Mommy. We have had an incredible experience with Ancestry. It really is an awesome way to find out more about your own family history. It's also the perfect gift for anyone who's wanting to make new discoveries or connect with family over the holiday season. Head on over to backslash Adrian to find out more about your family history. Alright mommy, so now that I'm like ex I am ready to come home and have you teach me how to make the ultimate borica drink. Coquito. Let's do it. Okay mommy, so I cannot wait to see you. I love you. And I will see you in just a little bit. Yes. Okay so while my mom looks amazing and festive for the holidays coming up this is as good as I can do today. Here she is guys. Don't judge me. We're in the kitchen cooking. So today is the day. I've got mom in the kitchen and we are making some coquito. Mommy's famous coquito. Literally my mom makes the best coquito. I've asked her to create a recipe that doesn't contain eggs for me because I'm not a big fan of eggs. So we are doing that. This is an alternative Coquito recipe. An easy one. An easy one with no eggs. Here we go. Okay, so mom, here are all the ingredients. Point out what's what? Um this is the reduced cinnamon sticks with water. This is condensed milk, evaporated milk, and coconut milk. Nice and that all goes in here and gets whisked together. Yes. Awesome. Let's do this. But I also want to talk with you while doing this I'm just so curious about like where a lot of our cultures come from where do a lot of our traditions come from so do you even know where Coquito comes from I honestly don't I'm not going to make up a story all I know is that as soon as I can remember growing up this was part of our holiday tradition the way I mean a lot of people make it without even rum if you're religious. Yeah for people there are some people that don't drink that aren't religious. They just don't drink any alcohol. This is true. I tend to kind of be that kind of person. I don't always want to drink so I love the option of. Yeah. And so also what they do is if they want that taste of rum they do have the like vanilla extract. They have rum extract that you can add just oh that gives the taste. Right. You can also there's people in Puerto Rico that put almond. Almond. Extract. Yes and they actually use the actual almonds. Almonds? Yeah. So you you can really kind of like lay it by ear and make it your own. Yeah you can but the traditional way actually which I most of the time do myself is that you grade the the coconut. Mom makes the best coquito on the planet but we are doing here a quick and easy version so that I can learn by not a one has the time. Yeah. To go through this because it it does you have to use pork. You have to use hot water to get the milk out of the coconut. So this is. So guys this is a quick and easy version of Coquito. Let's get started. I have taken two cups of water and boiled the cinnamon sticks as you can see here. So that's all you gotta do is just get your cinnamon sticks like that. Yeah. You're going to put them in boiling water. Two cups cup. Two six with one cup. Got it and that's what you're going to get. And what you're going to do is you're going to. We start with that. We're going to pour this in here. I use a little strain in there just in case it's like little juices. From the Cinnamon. Cinnamon sticks. You leave the cinnamon in there because I've seen you do that too. I actually put it in the bottles. Yeah. Just it gives it a nice flavor. Nice. Um I am now going to put in the coconut milk. Okay. You can use. How much coconut milk was that? It was it's two cans of I think this is like fifteen ounces. Okay. Two can two cans of 15 ounce. We can put the amount on the ingredients and how much after. Okay but right now this is two cans of coconut milk. Coconut milk. Not to be confused with coconut water people. Yes, it has to be milk. Mm hmm. I'm going to put the evaporated milk in here. Oh, my favorite. I don't know why I love evaporated milk. Okay. Two cans as well. Two cans of evaporated milk. We'll let you guys know the sizes of these cans. Yes. Okay. Don't cut yourself like mom almost did. Did you cut yourself? Mm hmm. Two cans, evaporated milk. Now, for the sweetness, what we add is condensed milk. My favorites. Like so. A lot of people don't know that that's how you make cafe con leche like the traditional way is cafe con leche is hot milk sweetened with condensed milk. Oh my god, I could literally lick that out of the can. And normally you do. I do. Not confront. What is going to give it its thickness though? This is what gives it the thickness. Really? Because you definitely don't want it to be like a watery version of coquito you want. Every day you're seeing how kind of thick it is. Oh, okay. Right. And we put how many cans of that? We're going to put two cans. Awesome. And it's really an easy thing. Um some people, like I said, I if if I was doing it not for someone that doesn't like eggs, I would definitely you know, if you put eggs in it, you have to cook the egg yolk and with the carnation, let it cool and then, you add it to the mixture. It sounds like a much more involved process. It is. Um some people actually also to add I don't know what they call it. I guess it's Coco Lopez. It's it's like a coconut milk. Yeah. It has a lot of sugar in it but that's not really the traditional way of doing that and so you're going to mix this in. So, we're about to add the rum in just a bit but we actually have a really funny story about like how everybody knows that my mom makes bomb coquito to the point where I have people from my job. Shout out to Sonia, our stage manager at The Real. She pretty much stalks me every holiday season and she's like I know you're not coming to work unless you have that poquito for me so people have for years loved mom's poquito so much we used to live across the street from some friends who were also friends with Jay Z and Beyonce that's a true story and this is a true story we came over as a gift going to this it's actually a Thanksgiving a friends giving celebration and we brought with us a bottle of my mom's coquito and so we were like amazing we walked in obviously that one bottle went like this like so fast people were like because there's a lot of people from the East Coast as well it's a huge Puerto Rican tradition when you grow up in New York everybody knows about Coquito so I feel it yeah same thing same thing so they were like yo so Jay walked over and it's like I'm going to need my own bottle thank god this party was just happening across the street from me so I literally come back to my house and I'm like, mom, Jay-Z is asking you to make him some Coquito like right now like you need to mix some literally batch it up together. I was actually, I was making some for the following day. So, luckily, like you said, I had already started on it and when you walked in and she made it happen and fun fact, they mixed the coquito with Doucet. Yeah. Which everyone went crazy for. If you don't know, that is Jay Z's Cognac and he pretty much walked around party. I can't make this up you guys. He walked around the party like with my mom's bottle of coquito like this like if it was his little baby. And that was pretty cool. So that's probably the wildest story of my mom's coquito and making it for Jay Z and his family who lived across the street from us for a while. So like I was telling you Adrian, some people like it even sweeter. Mhm. And they would add this cream of coconut that you can also I am not a big fan of that because I don't I really love the flavors. I don't the sugar sometimes take away from the natural flavors so I'm not super sweet. So you didn't put any of it? I did not. Type it now. I like mine sweet. Do I want some of mine? If you want, you want me to add it on? Yeah. You can. You definitely can. My version. Who's the first person that taught you how to make coquito? Obviously I think going to my aunt's house I saw that happening so I even though I wasn't taught my mom was very religious yes Pentecostal so there was no alcohol involved but she would but her aunts were wilding out her aunts that were my grandmother's sisters were not Pentecostal but she tried really hard and that's what I say that sometimes she could make this without alcohol and that's how I learned that way however I I got older I started adding the rum. Mom was like let's turn up people. Let's get that coquito going with that rum. But you know it's interesting. You were saying about Jay putting it in. So that means that you can actually make your own your own version of it with whatever alcohol you like. I don't think vodka would be good there. No. Stick with like Make it bourbon. Also you can try it. I normally use white rum. Uh today. Today we are using spiced rum. Right and. So that's going to be my version. And we're going to see how that works. But that's also really cool how you take things that were traditional. And you kind of make them your own as the years go by. And from generation to generation. And now we're going to add our rum, right? Okay how much? So it depends on how much you like. We like it strong. I don't like mine strong. So, okay. So, we're going to just add maybe just one cup of rum. Yeah, I'll go with the cup of cups. I was right. Normally, to be honest, to this type of, I put a, well, 3tofour cups of rum. What? Yes. And we're only putting one for mine. Yes, ma'am. You said you didn't want some. Yeah, guys. Let's keep it. My sister doesn't like alcohol so. She has it without. I didn't do it today. It's a little some some. Yeah. By the way, you don't serve this in big glasses. No. Explain that. Something. Can I say something? This is really funny. I'm sorry. There are people that will come to you and pour a 8 cup 8-ounce cup of this stuff. This is not not for the water. It's not. It's to be sipped on. Exactly. In tiny glasses like this guys. This is the glass it should be. It's really really funny. It really is. A little tiny or even like a little shot glass some people do but this is the perfect sizing. Yeah. Yeah. Here we go mom. So we're going to cool it or we just going to taste as it is right now. Mhm. Normally you taste it after it's been chilled for 30 minutes like Mom said. Well I usually papa usually taste it when I make it. So he's your taste tester right? Tell us about that. Yes he does. He tells me if it needs more rum. That's the normally the it the thing. We are going to put just a little bit of cinnamon. Claude is jumping in to help us. Hey Claude. Hola. Okay so you're going to put Claude your yeah oh. She's going to make sure she gets some on the table too. We go. Wait. This is going to come out. There you go. That's it. Okay. I like it. I want more. Okay, go. Switch. You know, I just feel like my means so much to me. Well, okay. Honestly, it it's nice to have something that marks certain traditions. Yeah and then it's something that we know has been passed down from generation to generation. It allows us to think about those that came before us and the awesome traditions that our children will have. And how important like the culinary experiences that so that we tag on to holidays. I love that. My children even are like, it smells like Coquito if you can't drink it but they. Well, they can if it doesn't have any ramen oil. We just said we can do it without alcohol. Mine has the slightest bit. Claudette will definitely allow alcohol. Yeah. We have some family members that don't drink. Exactly, does it? Let's taste test my version. This is my recipe. No eggs, Claudette. Okay. Look, it's nice. There's no rum in here. There is. Wow, it's really light. Dad, mommy needs it really strong generally. Cheers, Claude. Cheers. Hey, Oh my god. Thanks again to Ancestry for sponsoring this video. Don't forget to follow.
Making My Mom’s FAMOUS Coquito | #ad The holidays are just around the corner which means… time to make my fav Puerto Rican drink, coquito, with mommy! Go to | By All Things Adrienne | Mom makes the best coquito on the planet. A Puerto Rican eggnot which just contains a lot of milk, cinnamon, rum, lots of rum. Nice. Exactly. Mommy makes it really strong generally. What's up you guys? So I have been spending so much time here in LA. Obviously working a lot. But I gotta be honest I am super homesick. I don't know about you but as soon as it starts getting a little bit chilly and they start adding pumpkin spice to everything I start craving something home cooked. So I am heading back to New York to have my mom show you how to make the most incredible, the absolu