
165 Pins
🌸💫 Fashion-Forward Voluminous Curls Burst Fade Mohawk Inspiration
💇 Transform your style with transform your look with this flowing Voluminous Curls Burst Fade Mohawk. Exclusive techniques shared for fabulous outcome! Salon-worthy results at home. Perfect for busy lifestyles with Styling necessities. Amazing for photoshoots and includes expert damage prevention tips! #VoluminousCurlsBurstFadeMohawk #Hairfabulousoutcome #flowingHair #HairGoals #HairInspo
BOOKING LINK BELOW ⬇️ DO NOT DM! on Instagram: "Everyone has their own way of hiding the tracks from being shown, here’s mine! #FREEGAME🙂 How it’s done? . . Sew track on the second braid from the top. Then crochet the hair through that last braid & you would sew in your hair how you would normally. Once finished pull the hair over top & there you go! 😘 . . #stitchbraids #stitchbraidsatlanta #baltimorestitchbraids #dmvstitchbraids #stitchbraider #stitchedponytail #ponytail #braidedponytail #braids #baltimorebraider #baltimorehairstylist #baltimorebraids #dmvbraider #dmvbraids #dmvhairstylist #bohemianknotlessbraids #knotlessbraids #baltimoreknotlessbraids #dmvknotlessbraids #menbraids #menstitchbraids #mensbraider #baltimoremenbraids #viral #explorepage #dmvmua #atlantahairstylist #atla
Cherie O.G Hair Stylist on Instagram: "🌸 Unlock the secret to perfect boho braids with these human hair options! 💁🏽‍♀️ No gatekeeping here, just sharing the love! 💖 Don’t be stingy tag yo sister, cousin or friend that’s tired of their boho braids tangling and matting up!!!! #BohoBraids #HairSecrets #NoGatekeeping #HairTutorial #BeautyTips #houston #houstonbraidsstylist #houstonstylist"