Food Sovereignty Revolution Artwork

I finally blended my art and activism in a series of propaganda posters about food sovereignty. There are art prints, tote bags, device sleeves available from Society 6. Please click the image, and it will take you there. By sharing these Pins and purchasing these products, you help support my advocacy and activism. Thanks!
12 Pins
Grow Your Revolution Art Print by Library Seed Bank
By growing your own food, you secure what types of tomatoes, peppers and other varieties of vegetables, herbs, fruits, and nuts you like. Save seeds and propagate cutting from trees, and you're on your way to creating your own food sovereignty.
Jenny Lind Melon Art Print by Library Seed Bank | Society6
Jenny Lind was a famous Swedish Opera singer brought to this country and promoted by Pt. Barnum. It's also a melon grown extensively in southern NJ from the mid-1800's. It's part of the local heirloom varieties of food series.
Eye em the Revoltuion Art Print by Library Seed Bank
Art is a visual language. This is the first image I did for this series. I claimed my part of artist and activist. The map in the background is there to guide me on my journey. Let this piece inspire you to claim your part.
Pollinate Art Print by Library Seed Bank
Pollination is responsible for 80% of our food. Some varieties of bees are in decline. I advocate for pollinator gardens and provide seeds that sustain them. Your purchase will support that. Please note, some imperfections are part of the art.
Art Prints & Printed Wall Decor | Society6
The Silky Hen. Need I say more?
Bloom the Revolution Art Print by Library Seed Bank
Bloom, without it there's no pollen for pollinators, no fruit or vegetable produced, and no seeds at the end of the season to collect. It's also a metaphor for coming into your own. Whatever it means to you, recognize the important role it plays.
Art Prints & Printed Wall Decor | Society6
By the end of 2017, three large agricultural chemical companies will own approximately 60% of seed lines. The privatization of seeds can create barriers accessing seeds. It's a tremendous challenge to those who want to secure their own food.
Revolution Art Print by Library Seed Bank
Backyard hens are becoming commonplace in suburban settings. No rosters, who are loud, hens keep the bug population down, including ticks, provide compost, and fresh eggs. They are a revolution in and of themselves.
Art Prints & Printed Wall Decor | Society6
Whether it's canning, fermenting or drying, preserving the harvest is the way secure food in the months that local food might not available. By opening a jar of tomatoes that I grew it's a way I bring a little sunshine to dark winter night.
Delaware Bay Oysters Art Print by Library Seed Bank
Oysters are surreal and funny to me. I don't eat them, but served on the half shell on a bed of ice, they are enticing. This part of a local heirloom food variety series I'm working on. Both varieties of oysters are native to the Delaware Bay.
Jersey Tomatoes, We Grow our Pride Art Print by Library Seed Bank
We grow the best tomatoes here in Jersey. History is on our side. Campbell's Tomato Soup is a cultural icon. Campbell's has always had their headquarters in Camden, NJ. I think that speaks for itself. Another in the local heirloom food series.
Sow Your Own Seed Art Print by Library Seed Bank
Seed saving is a lost cultural practice in the U.S.A. In recent years, it's being revived. The sunflower on this piece is the logo for my Library Seed Bank project. Save your seeds, you will always have food, herbs and flowers.