Aquarium Fish

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The 39 Most Colorful Freshwater Aquarium Fish
Mikrogeophagus ramirezi – Ram (Apistogramma ramirezi, Papiliochromis ramirezi, Microgeophagus ramirezi)
General Overview Of German Blue Ram
German blue rams are the close cousins of Bolivian rams. The trademark of German blue rams is their colorful appearance. They are smaller than the Bolivian rams but not as peaceful. German blue rams are relatively friendly and lively when the conditions are right with them in the tank. They love to cruise and swim around the heavily planted or decorated tanks. Keeping two male German blue rams in the same tank can result in hostile situations. The two males will fight until one is dead.
Bolivian Ram Vs. German Blue Ram : Are They For You?
Rams, in general are a type of dwarf cichlid. They are common in various aquariums because of their colorful and peaceful nature. They don’t grow big and live peacefully with other fish in community tanks. Bolivian ram and German blue ram are similar in behavior but differ in other aspects, including physical appearance. They also differ slightly in their tank and nutritional requirements. The Bolivians are slightly more intelligent than their German cousins.
Can Bolivian Rams Live With Angelfish? Learn all about these two fish
Can German Blue Rams Live With Bolivian Rams
German blue rams can live with Bolivian rams because they have complementary nature and similar demands. Bolivians are hardy and will cope with peaceful tank mates. However, you should pay attention to the water’s pH, softness, and other vital tank parameters to suit German blue rams. The tank should be spacious enough for each member to establish their territory. Also, ensure that you keep the right male to female ratio.
10 Compatible German Blue Ram Tank Mates - Build Your Aquarium