Parking granite flooring pattern

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These Diagrams Are Everything You Need To Decorate Your Home
These Diagrams Are Everything You Need To Decorate Your Home
Tandoor stone 2/1.5 size 40mm thickness stone.25mm synthetic grass!
Our Tandoor Stone 2/1.5, measuring 40mm in thickness, complemented by lush 25mm Synthetic Grass, brings you the ultimate outdoor landscaping solution. Elevate your pathways and patio areas with the natural charm of Tandoor Stone, adding character and durability to your outdoor spaces. Easy installation and eco-friendly features make this duo the ideal choice for hassle-free landscaping projects. #TandoorStone #SyntheticGrass #OutdoorLiving #LandscapingIdeas #HomeGarden #EcoFriendlyLandscaping.
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